Chapter 38

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Hello everyone. I'm happy to officially announce that me and Victoria are a couple. We kept things private until now to figure out if there was actually something between us but we thought it is about time to share it with you guys. We met under really funny circumstances, I spilled coffee on her sleeve... clumsy me. It was the best day ever. Some of you might now that I played at Victoria's club opening a few days ago. We want you to know that when I signed the contract for doing that our relationship was strictly professional but during rehearsal we realized there was more between us. We are really happy we met each other and can't wait to let you be part of our journey from now on.

Lots of Love Charlie and Victoria

"Vic, are you sure you wanna do this? After this there's no going back." I nod. "Going back isn't an option anyways." Yes, I'm scared of the future. I have no idea what will happen. I'm terrified to be honest, but I also know this is the only way. I knew from the start... well almost the start... that Charlie isn't a random guy from next door. Of course I hoped we could keep this a secret longer, but sooner or later it would have gotten out anyways. I look at the photo that's attached to the text. It's cute. It's a really simple selfie, just us... well pretty much our heads... the brightest smiles on our face. Charlie presses the publish button and our official statement is out. From now on we are officially dating. This morning it was only a rumor, supported by a pretty obvious photo, but there could have been another explanation for this photo, but now... now it's confirmed.

Luckily I turned my instagram account private right after Max and I broke up, not that there would be much to see anyways. Charlie didn't tag it in the photo so for now I should at least be off the hook on there, even though I'm well aware of the stalking skills some people have. It's pretty scary if you think about it. I think back to our conversation with Ben and remember the second task he gave us... or more specifically me. I need a place to stay. I knew I couldn't stay in the back of my club forever but I thought I could go on like this a little longer, at least until I earned enough money with the club. "I have no idea how to afford an apartment just yet." I sigh and lean back onto Charlie's shoulder. Back at my opening I knew everything was too perfect to be true... little did I know how quickly things would change. "You could stay at my place until you figure it out." I flinch at the memory of when Max asked me to move in with him. I can't do this again. Moving in together too early... not a good idea. Even though Charlie is not Max I just can't make the same mistake again.

"Vic? What's wrong?" I didn't realize how hard I flinched but Charlie seems really concerned. "Nothing..." I feel like he's getting even more worried now. "Talk to me." I consider if I should tell him. I know I have to tell him eventually but today has been exhausting enough already. I take a deep breath. "You know how I said there are a lot of things about my past you don't know? I will tell you eventually but... for now just know this... my last relationship was... toxic... we moved in together too early and things went bad really fast." I look down at our intertwined hands, playing with the bracelet around my wrist with my other hand. "I'm sorry Vic. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." I look back up at him, squeezing his hand a little. "You couldn't know." He's silent for a little. "I don't know what happened back then and I won't pressure you to tell me but I want you to know whatever he did, however bad he treated you... I would never do that. Victoria, I care about you... a lot... I would never do anything to hurt you. And I understand that you don't wanna move in with me but know the offer stands. I have a spare room so it would be more like a shared apartment than moving in with your boyfriend." I can't help but smile at the word boyfriend. This is still so new and it feels amazing. Up until now my gut feeling has never betrayed me so why not trust it now? I can tell moving in with Charlie would be nothing like moving in with Max.

"Ok. Let's do it." I know this is crazy and goes against every promise of taking things slow I ever made to myself but these are completely different circumstances. I definitely can't stay in the back of my club and I know Valerie would take me in but I can't do that. I can't risk any paparazzi finding out and troubling her or her family. Charlie's eyes brighten up. "Oh, but for the next 1.5 weeks I come with a plus 1..." For a second I completely forgot about Jenny. Charlie nods slightly. "You two survived in the back of your club, I'm sure you can manage sharing the room." I can't believe that is actually happening. Again, I'm reminded of how different Charlie and Max are. Jenny never stayed overnight at our place. Max hated it if she came over at all. Not that I minded a lot, every time she did come over it was so hard to hide the fact that not everything was as perfect as I painted it. I look at Charlie and just can't believe how lucky I am to have met him. I always felt so drawn to LA, little did I know it was not only to live my dream but to find happiness too.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now