Chapter 40

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"I'm back!" Jenny and I are currently chilling on the couch, watching some Netflix. He walks over to the kitchen area and places the bags he brought there. "I got burger and fries... hope that's ok." I get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen. He got some plates from the cabinet and is placing the burgers on them. I step behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. Placing my head on his should I say "Looks delicious." He finishes placing the burgers and fries and then turns around to me, the brightest smile on his face. "What you smiling at?" - "It's nice to come back and have someone here... get's lonely at times." I smile back at him. "I'm glad we're here." He gives me a gentle kiss and then turns back around to the plates. He grabs two of them, I grab the last one. Together we walk back over to the couch where Jenny is still sitting.

"So what are we watching?" I shrug my shoulders. "What do you want?" Charlie looks at me confused. "Just press play on whatever you were watching when I got back." I blush a little. Jenny grabs the remote and presses play. An episode of H2O - Just add water comes on. "We can change it if you want." He just shakes his head. "Nop, you are my guests. I'm good with literally anything." I take a bite of my burger. "Omg that's so good!" I say, the food still in my mouth. I immediately regret it. Been here for an hour and already act like a wild woman... Charlie doesn't seem to mind. He just laughs a little. "Glad you like it. My favorite place ever." I nod. "Mine too." We all laugh and proceed to eat our dinner... in silence. The rest of the night we watch some more Netflix and just have a really funny, relaxed time. I feel like Jenny eventually realizes Charlie is a good guy too. I know she won't stop being cautious about him but I really can't blame her.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna call it a night. Turns out pretending to be your best friend and being followed by paparazzi is EX-HAUS-TING" she says, extra dramatically. We all laugh and then she makes her way to our room. Our room... weird thought... "Guess it's just you and me now." I look over at Charlie, who's hold out an arm, gesturing for me to move over. I move over and snuggle up against his chest, partly focussing on the show that's running, partly on the beat of his heart. He plays with my hair gently, which send shivers through my whole body. We stay like this for a while but then a big yawn steals itself from Charlie's mouth. I laugh a little. "I guess we should go sleep" I say against his chest. Today has taken its toll on all of us. I don't wanna move but I guess we don't have a choice. We get up and walk over to our rooms. Charlie gives me a little kiss. "Good Night Vic." I smile and give him a kiss back. "Good Night Charlie."

When I get into our room Jenny is sound asleep. I change into my PJs as quietly as possible and sneak in next to her. I should be tired but somehow I'm wide awake. I take my phone to scroll through social media for a little. Eventually I end up on instagram. I remember the post from earlier. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop myself. I click on Charlie's account and open up the post. I honestly love that photo. I scroll down to the comment section, instantly regretting the decision. There are some really lovely comments from people saying they are happy for us and wish us all the best but there are other comments too. Go back to where you came from one of them says. I know it's aimed at me. No one wants you here and many more like that. Of course I knew there would be people that aren't happy about this but... it still hurts to read it. I know I should stop but I just can't. I can feel tears building in my eyes, once again. This is just too much. Slowly panic is building up inside of me.

I could wake up Jenny but... I don't know. I get out of bed as quietly as possible and walk into the living area. I just need a little time to process this. It'll all be fine. I walk out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. I take a few deep breaths but I feel like every breath I take just makes me more anxious. Why does this effect me so much?

"You're not welcome here anymore Victoria." I catch my breath. Did she really just say that? "But mom" I know my voice sounds desperate. She cuts me off right away. "No. What you did? I didn't raise you like that! I suggest you leave and don't make a scene. You've created enough drama already, don't you think?" Jenny pulls on my sleeve. "V, let's go." I hesitantly take a step back. The despise in my mom's eyes... I can't believe she actually believes the lies Max is telling. She is my mother! Not even my own mother wants me anymore.

A gust of wind hits me, bringing me back to reality. I can't breathe. This... this is too much. I can't do this. What was I thinking? Breathe Victoria, breathe. You'll be ok. But it just won't work. My pulse is raising, my palms are sweaty and tears are streaming down my face. Somehow I manage to walk back inside. I feel so lost. I don't know what to do. The next second I'm in front of Charlie's door. I take a few steps into his room. "Charlie?" I whisper.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now