Chapter 16.

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"What the hell?" I say, pushing him off of me and wiping my lips. "What?" he says nonchalant like he didn't just freakin kiss me! "What the fuck do you mean what? You just kissed me." I say, looking at the smirk on his face.

"You kids ready to eat?!" I hear Grace ask from downstairs. "Yeah mom. Here we come." Liam says, and smirks then licks his lips before leaving me standing in the room alone.

After sitting on Juan's bed for a few minutes thinking of how I will tell him, he walks in. "Hey." he says, while walking in. "Hey." I say, cracking a slight smile. "I'm sorry for inviting her over." Juan blurts out and it catches me off gaurd. "It was immature and stupid. You forgive me?" he asks and I smile. "Of course I do." I say and rubs his curls when sits next to me.

"It drove me crazy seeing you on Liam's shoulders." he says, laughing. "About Liam--" "I already know what you're gonna say." he cut's me off. "You do?" I ask. "Yeah when I was coming up here I caught him coming downstairs and we talked for a few minutes and we're cool now." he says and my heart pretty much drops. "That's great." I say and put on the best fake smile I can, when I have the thought that if I tell Juan now he'll attack Liam and I wouldn't want his moms seeing him like that. I'm not sure I want to.

"Where's Allison?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Ashley?" he asks, laughing. "Maybe." I reply, rolling my eyes and he tilts his head back in laughter. "I told her to leave." he says, proudly showing a perfect smile. "You better have." I say, and tug at his curl. He laughs and quickly presses his lips against mine but the building guilt from my kiss with Liam makes me gently put my hands on his chest and push him off of me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, wide eye'd. "I'm just hungry." I say, getting up and walking to the door leaving him looking stuck. I shut his room door so he could change and go in the bathroom. I splash water on my face and take deep breaths before going downstairs to face everyone. As I walk downstairs I dread the idea of seeing Liam's face again. He kissed me out of nowhere then made up with Juan after he did it what the hell.

When I get downstairs I see Christina, Aaron, Liam, Grace, Jane, and Sarah eating in the sitting room. "Finally. What took you so long?" Liam says, and my heart stops. When I sit down on the expensive brown couch, next to Jane and Sarah and across from Christina and Aaron who are next to Liam, Christina gives me a worried look. Is it that obvious I'm freaking the hell out on the inside?

"You okay John?" Christina asks. "Yeah." I lie. I look over at Liam who is eating sandwich and he's snickering. Christina has a salad and Aaron has a sandwich too. Grace comes out with a sandwich and a drink then hands it to me. "I hope you like ham and cheese." she says to me, with a warm smile and I return it.

She sits down on the couch across from me next to Liam and he rolls his eyes. "We were just about to talk about the family trip to the beach house you're coming right?" Christina asks. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I say confused as hell. "That's weird. I asked Juan if he wanted you to come with us and he was so excited." Jane tells me.

"I was going to ask him a couple minutes ago but he sped off." Juan says, startling us all. "Where the hell did you come from." Christina says, holding her chest and we all laugh. "Pussies." Juan says low enough for only I can hear and I chuckle to myself. "What was that?" Jane asks and Juan says "Nothing." while putting his hands up and I laugh.

"You wanna go?" Juan asks when he sits next to me. "Of course I do." I say and he smile hard enough for his dimples to show. "Yay." Jane says and gives me a hug from the side and kisses my cheek and I smile. "When are we leaving?" I ask and take a sip of my juice. "Tomorrow." Sarah answers and I spit my juice back in the cup. "Tomorrow?" I ask, making sure I heard her right. "Yeah. Since Wednesday is thanksgiving break and Thursday is thanks giving we're leaving tomorrow and having thanksgiving there." Sarah explains, with a smile. "Wait what about thanksgiving with your family?" Grace asks. "My mother passed away last year. And my dad left this morning to go on a business trip he couldn't get out of." I answer.

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