Chapter 11.

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When I wake up I quickly jump out of bed to get in the shower because Juan is picking me up for school. When I finish my shower I walk back to my room and I find Juan sitting on my bed, watching tv.

"Hey." he says and I regret not getting clothes out before my shower because I see his eyes raking up and down my body. "Hey." I reply, shutting my door and rushing over to my dresser for a pair of boxer briefs. When I pull out my boxers Juan says "I'll cover my eyes." and does so.

I quickly drop my towel and put the briefs on. "Can I not be blind now?" Juan says and I laugh. "Yeah." I say and he uncovers them. "Damn." he says, looking me up and down. "What?" I ask, looking down at my baby blue boxer briefs. "Nothing, you just look sexy in them." he says, while scratching his head and I choke on my on breath.

"Be right back?" I say, walking into my closet. I put on a white t-shirt, black jeans, black converses, and my necklace and walk out. "Ready?" I ask Juan, who is layed out across my mattress. "Yeah." He answers getting up. I grab my backpack and keys and we make our way downstairs.

"See you guys later." Juan says to my father and Julie who are watching a football game my father taped. "Bye." they say at the same time still looking at the TV and we both laugh. 

When Juan and I are in the car he rest's his hand on my thigh and I smile at him.

When we park in the parking I pull him down by his collar and kiss him and he smiles while my lips are against his. "Aaron and Christina are in the library wanna go see them?" he asks and I nod while getting out of the car. Ever since I told Christina about the April misunderstanding and about our dates she's been completely supportive of our relationship. 

I smile when Juan wraps his arm around my neck and I laugh when he licks my cheek like he did at the valley. "Why do you insist on doing that?" I ask, still laughing. "Because your cheek tastes magical babe." he answers and I lose my breath for the second time today because of his words.

"Hey baaaaabe!" I hear someone say from behind us and Juan stops walking so I turn around to see who it is, it's April. "Hey babe." she slurs when she reaches us. "Are you drunk?" Juan asks the obviously intoxicated girl. "Noooooo." she answers with a hiccup and I sit there awkwardly watching their conversation.

"Why are you here?" Juan asks, while putting his arm back around my neck. "I came here because I love you and I want you back." she answers clear as day and my eyes go wide. "But if you don't want me here i'll just go home." she adds and begins to walk away. 

"You can't just let her drive drunk." I say to him and he groans. "You're not driving anywhere, you're coming with me." he says and she turns around and runs in his arms, knocking me down.

"Oh shit, John are you okay?" Juan says, pushing April off of him and picking me up from off the ground. "Let's go." he says to April and she sticks her bottom lip out and follows us to the car. While we drive to Eric's house Juan keeps his hand on my thigh gripping it tightly and I kept my hand on his shoulder as April slept in the backseat. 

After 20 minutes of Juan banging on Eric's door and calling him multiple times he finally decides to pick up the phone and all I hear from the car is "What the fuck do you mean you're not here!" "She has no right to just come to my school drunk, starting shit, and fucking with my attendence!" He yells.

"She has no fucking place to go." Juan tells me when he get's back in the car. "We could take her back to your house." I suggest and he smiles. "I can't have you missing any of your classes because of my mess." he says still smiling. "It's okay, i'm ahead of all of them anyway." I say, smiling back at him and my phone buzzes, it's a text from Christina.

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