Chapter 14.

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"In the living room now." Sarah says with a stern voice and we both make our way out of the laundry room to the sofa. When we sit on the couch I quickly jump back up. "Sorry." I say, and get my pillow and sit back down. "Jane." Sarah calls and I feel Juan's hand grip my knee as we sit next to each other.

"Yeah." I hear a voice say seductively at the small entrance of the living room. It's Jane in a red lace bra and panties. "Shit!" she says, and runs out when she see's us sitting on the sofa. She returns in a pair of jeans and a shirt. 

"This is what's going to happen." Sarah begins and the sweetness in her voice is non-existent. "You're going to tell me why you're not in school and you're going to tell me why you're in our robes." Sarah says with a straight face and stern voice.

"We went to school but April showed up drunk. I told her to get lost but John told me I couldn't let her drive drunk so I tried to take her home. Her brother wasn't home so I had no choice but to bring her here after she sobered up she left and things got a little serious between John and I and--" "Okay that's enough." Sarah says cutting her son off and rubbing her temple.

"Look, you two are both responsible young men for what you did for her but if something like this happens again just call one of us." Jane says, surprisingly with a smile. "Let's go upstairs babe." Jane says to Sarah then takes her hand and leads her out of the living room.

We turn to look at the door when it opens and in walks Christina and Aaron. "What are you guys doing here?" Juan asks them. "Aaron told them we had to leave early because of a family emergency. Where is April?" Christina answers then asks. "And why is moms cars outside and why are you two wearing their towels?" Aaron asks, laughing.

"She sobered up and left." I answer. "And none of your damn business." Juan chimes in answering Aaron. 

"They're upstairs." I answer Aaron. "Wait, why are you--" Christina stops half question and looks at me, the pillow I'm sitting on, then Juan and smirks like she's putting pieces of a puzzle together then sits down on the couch with Aaron. 

"So we basically left school for no reason." he scoffs annoyed by the situation. I guess I never knew how much he loved school until now. "I can make you regret those words." Christina says, and runs her finger under his bottom lip and he smiles then stands and throws her over his shoulder and she begins to laugh and scream.

"Mom's are upstairs remember?" Juan asks, with a slight smirk and Aaron sighs. When he puts Christina down she whispers something into his ear and his face lights back up. "Catch you guys later." Aaron says and they both walk out of the room and I could of sworn I heard Aaron say "I'm gonna fuck your mouth so good." while they were walking out.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I feel something in my lap. It's Juan head. I chuckle a little and begin to play with his curls and he begins to smile. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving break?" he ask me while I continue to play in his curls. "I don't know actually. My dad wanted to go back to Philly to have it with my family but he has to go on a business trip or something so i'm gonna be alone." I answer and continue to play in his curls. 

When I finish telling him I look down at him and he has his eyes closed. "I have a surprise for you." he says, his eyes still closed and I laugh. "Okay." I answer and continue to stroke his curls and change channels on the TV.

I'm awaken by a loud buzzing sound, it must be the drier. "Babe, get up." I say, shaking his arm. "Yeah." he answers in a low voice that drives me mad. "I think our clothes are dry." I say and he get's up. "Come on." he says, getting up and streching and the belt to his robe comes undone and it falls straight to the ground and I burst out in laughter.

"Oh it's funny? I'm not putting it back on." he says and crosses his arms and I almost die laughing. "Let's go." I say walking past him and slapping his butt.

When we are in the laundry room I lock the door behind me and Juan get's our clothes from out of the drier. "So... how was it?" he asks me. "It hurt, I mean really hurt but after a while it started to feel amazing." I say while taking my robe off. "How was it for you?" I ask. "It was amazing better than anything i've ever expierenced." he answers with a smile.

When I look down at Juan he has a full erection and I feel myself turning red. "Maybe we should put our clothes on." I say taking in his magnificent and perfect body. After we're dressed I reach for my necklace and my heart skips 18 beats when I realize it's not there. 

"My necklace." I say and reach for it again but it's not there. "Huh?" he asks me, confused. "I threw it on the ground with my stuff before we.. y'know." I explain. "Oh yeah your necklace." he says. he reaches into the pocket of the robe that's on the floor and pulls it out. "I forgot to give it back to you." he says and hands it to me. I take it with a smile and put it around my neck.

"I never knew it meant that much to you." he says, with the most perfect smile ever. "Of course it does I wouldn't trade this necklace for the world." I say to him and pull him in for a kiss.

When Juan puts the robes in the washing machine we go back into the living room and this time Juan sits down and I go to sleep with my head in his lap and he strokes my hair.

(Author's note: So I just wanted to say thank you so much to all my readers who were able to get me 1.2k views thank you all so much!)

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