Chapter 2.

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I wake up to the smell of eggs, bacon, and waffles which is weird because my dad can't cook. As I rethink what happened yesterday I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. I reach to the nightstand for  my phone and it 6:14 flashes on the bright screen and 3 new texts, I open the one from Lindsey first.

"How's school?"

"Okay I guess :/"

She doesn't respond so I decide to open the one from Jack.


"Nothing much about to shower hbu?" 

Once again I get no response. When I get to Christina's text I hesitate I forgot she was there when I walked in on Juan, what if he told her. When I bring my thumb to open the text it says

"What happened dude Jane said you ran out of the house like a bat out of hell is everything okay?"

I respond with a simple "I'll tell you at school.".

When I finally get out of bed I walk to the bathroom and the aroma of delicious food hits my nostrils once again. I make my way to the bathroom to shower and I spend my time in the shower debating on if I should tell Christina i'm bi or not. When I step out the shower I rush to my room dry off and get dressed.

When I look at my phone its only 7:30 I rush downstairs to get something to eat and i'm met by a familiar face from yesterday, along with bacon, waffles, eggs, and buiscuts. Julie is also accompanied by a beautiful girl who looks my age. Shes really short and has brown hair. 

"Oh, hello John." Julie says to me as she sits infront of me with an apron on, this is so awkward.

"Uhh hi have you seen my dad anywhere around?" I say as I turn to look at the unknown girl and she looks down at her phone quick and her cheeks turn bright red I wonder what that's about. 

"Your father is in his study I think. Oh and this is my daughter Samantha." Julie says while pointing to the pretty girl.

"Hi, you can call me Sam." she says while looking up slightly and moving a bit of her hair behind her ear. She seems nervous for some reason. "Hi, nice to meet you." I say with an awkward smile.

"Do you want something to eat your father says you don't have to be to school until 8:15." Julie says with a warm smile. "Sure, thanks I just gotta talk to my dad first." Julie nods at me while smiling still. I smile back and turn to Sam "Nice meeting you." she has earbuds in so I guess she didn't hear me.

When I find my way to my fathers study he's going through papers and chewing on the top of a pen. When I knock on the door he looks up and smiles. "What can I do for you son?" "Oh nothing, just wondering why our neighbor is making breakfast in our kitchen." I say sarcastically while smiling.

"Oh yeah that, well when you went to bed Julie and I kept talking. I told her that I was a terrible cook and she offered to come make us breakfast in the morning. I thought it was a joke but she actually showed up an hour ago and I agreed to let her cook for us." he explains.

"And Sam?" I say still wondering why shes here she looks my age shouldn't she be in school? Or on her way? Or not here? "Oh, well Samantha missed her bus and I was wondering if you could drop her off to her all girls school. It's right up the street from yours." My father asks.

"I guess I could drop her off. Whats the name of her school?" I say trying to not sound excited about dropping her off at school.

"Saint John's all girls academy I think. But anyway son what's going on with school, tell me about your new friends." My dad says with a bright smile. 

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