Chapter 19.

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"Stop!" I yell, and try my best to pull Juan off of Liam, but he pushes me off and I fall back hitting my head on the ground hard. As I slowly begin to blackout I hear Chrsitina ask "John, are you okay.". I fully blackout when I hear her scream "Oh my god, he's bleeding!".

I wake up in a hospital bed surrounded by everyone except Liam. "What happened?" I ask, and Juan looks down. When I see the blood on his white shirt all the memories come back to me. "Can you guys give us a minute?" I ask Aaron and Chrissy-- Shit, Christina. I'm never getting drunk again. "'Kay." Christina says, then rubs my shoulder and I see blood on her tank-top.

"The doctor said you have a slight concusion." Juan tells me, when Christina and Aaron leave the room. "You gave me a concusion!" I yell, and get an instant headache. "It was an accident. I didn't know it was you pulling me." he says, and I reach up to rub my temples but feel something stopping me. "The doctor said don't touch the bandages, they could mess up your stitches." he tells me.

"They gave me stitches!? How long was I knocked out?!" I ask, screaming at him. "Four hours." he answers, and my eyes go wide. "This isn't all my fault and you know that." he calls me out and guilt washes over me. I never wanted Liam to get hurt.

"How's Liam?" I ask. "Is that who you're seriously worried about? Do you even care about how I feel at all?" he asks, angrily. Before I could respond, a tall doctor with grey hair comes in. "Oh, good you're awake. Juan why don't you go in the waiting room I got to run a few more tests and your friend should be good to go." he smiles, and Juan nods and leaves.

(Juan POV)

When I get into the waiting room I see Christina and Aaron sleep in chairs so I sit across from them. How could he be more worried about fucking Liam more than how much he hurt me? If you ask me, the bastard got what he deserved. If I didn't hear Christina say John was bleeding I would have kicked Liam's teeth down his goddamn throat.

After five minutes of waiting for the doctor to finish up with John, I sit back in the uncomfortable chair and think of the first time I met him.


This year is so fucking boring, I wonder what she's doing right now? Should I call her? No, I don't care if she wants to get back together or not. I'm not going through that shit again.

I throw my phone on my bed and shower. After my shower I get out my usual set. My black tank-top, black cargo shorts, black high tops, and my black ring necklace. I miss having shoulder length curls i'm going to grow it out so I can look like a latino Harry Styles. I throw my bag over my shoulder and head downstairs.

When I go in the kitchen I see Christina talking to my moms. I swear this bitch never leaves. "Goodmorning moms." I say, cheerfully and kiss them both on the cheek. "Morning sweety." they say in unison. "Goodmorning Chrissy." I say, to Christina to piss her off and she gives me the finger. "You know I hate when you call me that." she says, and rolls her eyes, making me laugh.

I go to the fridge to an apple when I turn back around I see Christina and Aaron trying to swallow each other. "Get a room." I say, rolling my eyes and biting into my apple.

When we get to school I go straight to class and all the bullies and asshole basically worship me when I get in and take my usual seat. Fucking losers, but I have to say it is fun fucking with people. After ten minutes of playing candy crush a crowd of people come in, filling the empty seats but knowing well enough not to sit next to me.

When Christina comes in she takes her usual seat behind me which pisses me off because her and some big tit brunette are always talking.

About a minute later someone walks in that catches my eye and apparently everyone elses since they're all staring at the preppy kid too. He's probably one of those spoiled brats mi madre said never worked a day in their lives. He is kind of cute though.

When Ms. Napoli gripes "Who are you" I turn back to my phone. She's probably so mean because she haven't had sex in 35 years. "John Payne ma'am. I'm new here." the blonde tells her. "Well take a seat." I hear her say. When I look up from my phone, he's staring at me but quickly turns his head. "Sit down dumbass!" I yell at him. It's nothing personal, I just don't know him and I don't want to.

"Shut the hell up Juan." Christina says, from behind me but I don't care. I don't want some rich snob sitting next to me all year. "Hey, that's enough out of you two!" Ms. Napoli yells at us and slams a ruler on her desk. Where the hell does she get those from? Her vagina?

"You can sit next to me." I hear Christina say, and I roll my eyes. Looks like she made a new friend. When the preppy loser walks past me I stick my leg out and trip him. I know it's childish but who cares.

When class is over I go straight to my locker and shove my bag inside then go to see Aaron, since Christina has a new annoying friend. He's kind of hot though I'll give him that.

After I argue with Aaron that going to a Chinese restaurant and not burger king is madness he makes up his mind and decides that we're going to the Chinese place. When Aaron fishes texting Christina we head to the parking lot. I hope Christina doesn't bring that sexy loser with her. Did I just call him sexy?

When we see Christina and the male equivalent to Mary Poppins coming toward us, I sigh and roll my eyes. "Babe!" Christina screams like a jackass and runs into Aaron's arms. "Hey you!" Aaron says to her and they start making out. I might as well fuck with John. "What the fuck is this loser doing here." I say, and he freezes in place. "Shut up, Juan. You don't even know him." Christina snaps at me. "Babe this is my new friend, John." she says, introducing them. This motherfucker better not start hanging around us. After their annoying ass meet and greet Aaron talks Christina into going to the dumbass restaurant.

While we wait in the lobby to be seated I sit in a chair and play Candy Crush and sneak glimpses of John of John while he's texting. I don't know what I find so interesting about him but it's something.

When our food comes to our table Aaron decides to to ask about John. "He's probably one of those rich brats from the hills or something." I say, rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my drink. "Actually I'm from Philadelphia. I moved here two weeks ago. But my dad has been planning the move since my mother died from cancer last year." he surprises me by saying. I was wrong about him. Could he hold the same pain as me? The same anger? Anger at the fucked up way the world works and as much as you cry, scream, kick, punch you can't change your fate.

When I walk out of my last class I go straight to the parking lot and Christina's not there. I know she was pissed at me but she didn't have to leave me. When I walk back to the schools entrance I begin to call a cab but I stop when I see John walking to the parking lot. "Wait up." I yell for him and he stops. "Could you drop me off home? Christina's dumbass left with Aaron and I don't have a car." "Don't call her a dumbass!" he snaps at me, catching me off gaurd. I like that.

After much persuading he agrees to take me home. The car ride is quiet except for Ed Sheeran playing on the radio. When we pull into my driveway John looks astonished when he sees my house. I walk up and knock on the door and Christina opens it and we roll our eyes at the same time. "Your new bestfriend is here." I say, and walk past her.

I go upstairs and go straight to my room. I'm exhausted and I want to collapse in my bed under the air conditioner. After give minutes of staring in the mirror thinking about the green eye'd blond boy, I begin to strip. When I shut my door I take my shoes off, then shorts, then tank-top. Suddenly my door opens. "What the fuck are you doing in my room." I say, looking at John but he's looking directly at my body. I slam the door in his face cutting his stuttering off and I hear him run down the steps.

When I finish dinner I go directly in my room. I lay in my bed looking up at the the ceiling thinking of John. I instantly get a hard on, thinking of the sexy blonde. I spend the rest of my night rubbing one out with him on my mind.

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