Chapter 15.

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When I wake up I get out of bed and stretch then pick up my phone and I see I have 3 texts. 1 from Christina, 1 from Sam, and 1 from Juan.

(Text from Christina)

"Schools closed. Juan's picking you up early."


(Text from Sam)


"Getting ready to go to Juan's house for the day hbu"

(Text from Juan)

"Be there in 20 minutes"

That was sent 10 minutes ago. I threw my phone on my bed and run to my closet. I get a pair of black shorts and black t-shirt and my black converses I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and shower. After I get out of the shower I get dressed and put my necklace and shoes on. The second i'm set to go I hear my doorbell ring.

I grab my phone off my bed and run downstairs as fast as I can. When I open the door I run into his arms and he picks me up from off the ground and I laugh and bury my face in his neck to breathe in his scent.

"Ready to go?" he asks me and I nod. The entire ride to his house Juan tells me about his cousin and how much he's an asshole but Juan doesn't normally like people so I guess i'll see for myself. He constantly called them immature and douchey and I laugh because we can be the most immature people on the planet sometimes.

When we walk in the house we see everyone in the sitting room and we join them. "Finally, now the party can start." Christina says and gets up to hug me and I laugh. "Who's this?" a pretty blonde woman sitting next to a very attractive boy who's on his phone asks. "This is my boyfriend, John." Juan answers places his arm around my neck like usual.

"Nice to meet you." I say with a smile and extend my arm to shake her hand and she smiles and shakes my hand. "I'm Grace, and this is my son Liam." she says and her son looks up and pauses for a second. "Hi, I'm Liam." he says with a smile and get's up and shakes my hand and I smile. "I'm John." I say and try to pull my hand away but he's still gripping mine.

"Oh, sorry about that." he says, and pulls his now sweaty hand from mine. "John, finally you're here." Aaron says, coming down the stairs smiling and I'm happy to see him. "Why don't you kids do something while we get the food started?" Grace says, with a smile.

"We could go swimming in the backyard." Christina suggests and we all agree. When I turn to follow Juan up the stairs I bump into Liam and fall to the ground. "Oh, sorry man." he says, helping me up and I smile and gives me a goofy smile back. I don't see why Juan dislikes him he seem's like a really cool guy, a little awkward but cool.

"Be right back gonna go get my swimsuit." Christina says and kisses Aaron on the cheek before leaving out the door. "I think I have a extra pair of trunks for you two." Juan says when he comes back downstairs then rolls his eyes when Liam smiles at him.

"Where's the trunks?" Liam asks and Juan throws him a pair of shorts that don't look like they could fit anyone especially Liam since we are the same height. "I can't fit these are you high?" Liam says holding the trunks up and I laugh and he smiles at me.

"Tough shit, go ask Aaron then." Juan says and Liam sighs then leaves the room and I shut the door. "I might have a pair from before I hit my growth spurt." he says while digging in his closet. "Liam seems pretty cool. Why don't you like him?" I ask and he let's a deep sigh. "I don't know John we never got along. Ever since I met him 4 years ago." he says and hands me a pair of trunks that could fit me perfectly.

"Thanks, and maybe you could bury the hatchet it seems kind of dumb to hold a grudge over someone for 4 years because you never got along." I say and he looks at me with a smile. "Okay, i'll thank about it." he says and begins to take his clothes off. When take my clothes off and fold them I sit them down on the bed and put my trunks on. When I turn around I see Juan's naked body and I'm instantly rock hard.

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