Chapter 3.

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"John look out!" Juan yells, what does he mean look out? I turn back around and BAM! I crash into a guy running ahead of me. My ankle twists and fall to the ground?

'What the hell!" Juan screams and pushes the blonde back to the ground when he attempts to get up. Why is he being so aggressive?

"Juan it's okay I think I only twisted my ankle." I tell him but he surprises me by picking me up and carrying me down the stairs. His chest is sweaty but I don't mind he smells amazing. When we reach the bottom of the stairs all I hear is laughs from the other guys, but one "Shut the fuck up!" from Juan silences everyone.

"Where's coach?" Juan asks a guy walking past us. "I don't know." the guy tells Juan then looks down at me. "What happened?" he asks me. He's very handsome he has brown hair with blonde streaks, tan skin, and hazle/green eyes. "He twisted his ankle when he fell over some douche running and he can't walk." Juan answers for me even though I never said I couldn't walk.

"Oh, well you should put some ice on it. Come with me."  the friendly green eye'd boy says to us. We follow him to the nurses office. Juan sits me down then leaves and the green eye'd boy goes in the freezer and gets a ice pack for my starting to bruise ankle. I hiss when the ice pack touches my skin. 

"Are you sure it's ok to be in here?" I say to the boy as he goes back to shut the freezer. "Yeah, the school's nurse is my mom so it's cool. I'm Ashton by the way." he replies with a smile, his teeth are perfect. "I'm John." I reply with a less perfect but equally friendly smile. About 30 minutes pass of us getting to know each other he's a pretty cool guy we exchange numbers and Juan walks back in.

"Are you two done yet? coach says it's time to hit the showers." Juan says while standing in the doorway. Oh crap, shower? with Juan? I hope the showers have curtains. "Okay. I think I can walk." I say to Juan when he walks toward me to try to pick me up again. I get up and slightly limp to the showers. 

When I get there my prayers are answered when I see seperate curtains in each shower. After I shower I get out and put my clothes on. When i'm finished getting dressed I go to my final class. When I get out of my art class my phone begin to buzz its a text from Sam.

"I'm on the bus headed home can't wait to hangout." I smile at the text I wonder what we'll even do.

"Me either what do you wanna do when you come over?" I put my phone in my pocket and start walking to my car. As I get closer and closer to my car I see something in my passenger seat, It's Juan. I must have forgot to lock my doors.

When I open the door on the drivers side he just stares at me so I decide to break the silence. "Why are you in my car?" "Uh Christina and Aaron left me here again. Could you give me a ride home?" he replies. "Oh sure." I say as my phone starts buzzing. When I pull it out it's a text from Sam.

"We could watch a movie and order a pizza or something I have The Fault in Our Stars." 

"Sure we could do that I have to drop my friend off first i'll probably be home around 6"

"Ok see you then" 

"So is that your girlfriend or something?" Juan asks when he notices me smiling at the texts.

"No, she's my friend." I reply while starting my car. "Oh" Juan says and stays quiet as I pull off. The drive is mostly quiet except for Four playing in the background and Juan saying he hates One Direction even though I hear him humming along to the songs.

When we are infront of his house he remains quiet. "So do you want to come in or something?" He asks. "Um no thanks I'm gonna go hangout with my friend." I respond trying not to sound like an asshole because he's being nice but fails miserably. "Oh okay" Juan says looking disappointed. "Maybe tomorrow." I say and Juan looks up with a slight smile. "Okay." he says while getting his bag.

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