Chapter 9.

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When I wake up it's 10 o'clock, I get out of bed and the smell of bacon and eggs makes me put on a shirt and pajamas and go downstairs. When I walk in the kitchen I see my father, Julie, and to my surprise Juan. 

"Morning sleepyhead." Juan says to me and I smile. "Your still wearing my necklace." he says and looks down at it. "Yeah, I wanted to sleep with it on." I say while feeling my cheeks turn red. "Do you want it back?" I ask. "No it's yours." he replies, his cheeks just as red as I know mine are.

"Why are you here so early?" I ask Juan. "Well you said be here by twelve and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late. I got here a half hour ago. You were sleep so Matthew, Julie and I stayed in the kitchen and  talked about sports." Juan explains. 

"Oh, well I gotta get some stuff for our date and i'm still not telling you where we're going so bye." I say and take his arm and lead him out of the kitchen. "Oh wait." I say, stopping him as he walks to the living room, "What?" he asks, "What's your favorite type of sandwich?" I ask and he smiles and pushes his curls back and answers "Turkey and tomato." and I can't help but notice how long his hair got since I met him it's almost touching the bottom of his neck now, like a Latino Harry Styles.

When I walk back in the kitchen my dad walks out. "You want something to eat?" Julie asks me and I nod. "How did your date go?" she asks. "Great, he took me to one his moms theaters and it was only me and him in the theater. After we watched my favorite movie we took a walk and I told him I was taking him on a date next." I explain, smiling.

"Where are you two going?" she asks. "Well theres a valley i'm gonna take him to it has a stream running through it. I have to pack fruit, sodas, water, and sandwiches and I have to hurry because I wanna leave by twelve." I say, while walking over to the cabinets to get the tupperwear.

"I could make the sandwiches for you to save time." Julie offers while smiling. "Sure, thanks." I say while giving her a equally warm smile. I pack grapes, strawberries, and slices of pinapple and Julie makes our sandwiches and hands me a plate with bacon, eggs, and grits on it. When I finish eating I store Juan and I's food in the fridge and my father walks back in.

"Here son, these are the directions to the valley. It's about 3 hours away from here." my dad says, handing me the piece of paper and I nod. I go to find Juan in the living room he's watching tv, "I'm about to go get ready wanna come?" I ask and he nods and follows me upstairs.

When we get in my room Juan sits on the bed and turns on my tv and I go into my closet, I grab a black shirt and black jeans. Thank god Juan is wearing black too I wouldn't want him to mess up anything white since black and white are kinda the only colors he wear.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I tell him and I feel his arm wrap around my stomach when I walk past him and pull me back on my bed, we bounce off and fall on the floor and we both start laughing while lying next to each other. When I turn my head to face him our eyes meet and I couldn't look away even if I wanted to.

I press my lips against his while tugging at his curles and he let's out a slight moan, he quickly pulls me on top of him and I never let his lips go even when I feel something poking at my thigh. I feel Juan's hands push me away and I instantly begin to panic. "Oh god, is it my breath?" I ask, breathing heavily. "No it's just that you're special to me and I don't wanna have sex with you for the first time on the floor." he explains.

"I wasn't gonna have sex for the first time on the floor." I say and instantly regret it, I didn't mean to tell him i'm a virgin. "You're a virgin?" he asks when he lifts me off of his lap and we are sitting across from each other. "Yeah." I say, while looking down. I feel his fingers under my chin lifting my head up, "It's okay." he says to me with a smile and I can't help but smile with him.

He kisses me and we both get up he sits back on my bed and I go to take my shower. When I finish my shower I get dressed and walk back to my room, when I walk in Juan is gone. I check my phone for the time, it's 11:30. I get my phone, portable charger, bluetooth speaker, and converses and head downstairs.

When I walk in the living room I see my dad and Julie cuddling on the couch and Juan and Sam are sitting on the other couch. When did Sam get here?

"John!" Sam squels when she see's me and jumps off the couch and runs over and hugs me and I hug her back, I let go when I hear Juan clear his throat. "You ready to go?" Juan asks me and I remember I didn't finish packing the food. "Hold on." I say and go into the kitchen and Sam follows me.

"Another hot date?" Sam asks and I laugh. "Yup." I reply while putting ice in the mini-cooler my dad let me borrow. "What happened last night?" she asks while sitting on the counter. "Well, we went to one of his moms movie theaters and he had it set up that me and him were the only ones in the theater, we had a bunch of snacks, we watched my favorite movie, and he gave me this necklace." I say and lift the necklace up to show her.

"Awwww that's so sweet." Sam says, smiling. When I finish packing we walk back into the living room. My dad and Julie are still cuddling and watching Braidsmaids, laughing and Juan is waiting for me. 

"Ready?" I ask him and he nods and get's up. "Mom i'm gonna go to the mall with Allison." Sam says to her mother, "Sure sweety." Julie replies, I don't think she even heard what Sam said. "Bye guys." I say as Juan and I make our way to the door.

When I unlock my car doors Juan get's in and I put the cooler in the trunk. When I get in I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket and look over at Juan and he has his eyes closed and seat pushed back. I run my hand through his curls and I see him smile. I start my car and put my arm on the arm rest and I feel Juan put his hand on mine, I look over at him and he still has his eyes closed, I smile and pull off.

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