Chapter 20.

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Songs for this chapter 

Almost Is Never Enough - Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes

Love The Way You Lie Part 2 - Rihanna ft. Eminem

Same Mistakes - One Direcetion

The Parting Glass - Ed Sheeran

Say You Love Me - Jessie Ware

Stay - Rihanna

I wake up to light beaming in my face and a killer headache. I reach over for Juan but he's not there and the memories of last night come back to me. When I get from under the blanket I look over at the clock and it shows 11:30. As I sit on the side of the bed I try to remember last night but I only remember me grinding on Liam. "Shit." I sigh to myself and rub my temples.

When I hear the room door open I turn and see Christina. "Hey." she says, giving me a nervous smile. "Hey." I say back trying to return the smile but I fail miserably. "I've been checking on you every hour. You okay?" she tells me, then walks to the bed to sit beside me.

"No. I need to talk to Juan." I tell her and she gives me a weird look. "What?" I ask. "Juan's pissed. He won't talk to me or Aaron. I don't know if talking to him right now is a good idea." she tells me and I nod. "How's Liam?" I ask her not knowing if I want the answer. "He's not good. Juan gave him two black eyes, a swollen lip, his cheek is swollen and bruised, Juan almost broke his nose, and when Aaron pulled Juan off he kicked and cracked one of Liam's ribs." she tells me and my jaw drops.

"This is all my fault I have to see him." I tell her getting up but falling back on the bed when my head begins to spin. "The doctor said to stay off your feet and get some rest." she tells me, rubbing my shoulder. Fuck that I got to check on Liam and Juan. I sigh and say "Okay."

"You want some breakfast?" she asks me. "Yeah, thanks." I say and she gives me a sympathetic smile. "It's going to be okay John." she says, but I don't know if that's true.

When Christina leaves I try my best to watch TV and not leave to see Liam or Juan but I can't help myself. I get out of bed and steady myself and walk out the door. I see Juan and I's room next to me  and I walk over and knock lightly but get no answer. I try to open it but it's locked. I begin knocking harder and I hear him say "Fuck off Christina I'm not talking to anyone." through the door.

"No, it's me." I say and he doesn't respond. I knock again and a few seconds later I hear Don't by Ed Sheeran blasting loud. I begin to get a headache and anger fills my body. I step back and use all of my anger to kick the door and it flies open. 

"What the fuck John!" Juan yells at me and pauses the song. "We need to talk." I tell him. "Leave me the fuck alone." he throws his hands up at me. "Please we have to--" "Talk? About what? About how you didn't tell me when my cousin kissed you? About how he wanted to be friends with you after he admitted to having feelings for you? About how you practically fucked him on the dance floor? Or how you care more about his fucking feelings than you do mine!" he yells at me, leaving me speechless and defeated but if I know him he's got more.

"You know what? You're just like April I should've known." he adds and my eyes begin to spill tears and I see red. "I'm leaving." I say, brushing past him, getting my suitcases. "John, I'm sorry." he says, his voice laced with regret but it's to late. "Please." he says, his voice sound choked up but I try my best to block him out. When I walk over to the closet I wipe my eyes before opening it and quickly putting my shirts and shoes into the suitcase and closing it. I quickly walk over to the dresser and get the rest of what I came here with.

When I begin to walk towards the door I feel Juan latch onto me from behind making me drop my bags. "John, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. I love you." he says in my ear and I push him off of me as more tears begin to pour from my eyes. "No you don't!" I yell at him and I see his face is filled with tear, matching mine, and I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me.

"You're that damaged that you would think of me being anything like her after I let you in mind, body, and soul then you don't love me. Its over." I say to him, ripping my-- his necklace off of my neck and throwing it at his chest. He picks it up and more tears fall from his eyes. I pick my bags up and leave the room before I have a mental breakdown infront of him.

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