Chapter 4.

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When I wake up from my dreams of heavenly brown eyes and curly hair I go straight to the bathroom and I go to the mirror to practice what to say to Juan when I ask him why he lied. After 5 minutes of me trying to make a serious face I burst into laughter and I get in the shower. After my shower I check my phone, I have 2 texts, one from Christina and one from a number I don't know.

(From Christina)

"Goodmorning loverboy"

"Goodmorning I just got out the shower and practicing what i'm gonna say to Juan"

She didn't respond so I move to the unknown number. 

(From Unknown Number)

"Hey dude it's Ashton"

"Hey I forgot to lock your number in lol whats up?"

"Nothing much getting ready for school i'll see you there"

"Ok cool"

When I finish sending the text to Ashton I get dressed and head downstairs. I'm sort of disappointed when the smell of delicious food doesn't hit my nose. I pour a bowl of frosted flakes and chow down. When I have my backpack and keys I head out the door. I look at my phone and it shows 7:30 but I don't mind going to school early.

When I park in my schools parking lot I make sure I lock doors are locked can't have anymore unannounced visitors showing up again. As I make my way to the school I look at my phone and it shows 7:46, good I have enough time to get my assignment started.

When I go up to the school's entrance I see Christina and Aaron. "John!" Christina calls my name and motions for me to join them, they are sitting on wooden benches next to the school. When I get to them Christina gets off of Aaron's lap and hugs me. "Hey." Christina says and let's me go to sit back on Aaron's lap.

"What's up dude" Aaron says with a smile. "Hey guys, I'm going to go work on my assignment in the library, you wanna go to lunch or something later?" I ask. "You didn't hear? The school's basement got flooded somehow and they don't want any students in there. We're waiting for Juan to get his things from his locker then we're going to my house to hangout wanna come?" Aaron asks me. 

After Aaron finishes telling me all of that information my mind drifts off to Juan, why did he lie just to have me take him home? I'm snapped back to reality when I feel something wrap around my neck with a familiar scent.

"Hey dude." I hear Juan say from beside me. I smile and I see Christina's face light up with amusement. "Hey Juan." I say while looking down I can tell i'm blushing. I don't want them to see.

"Are you coming with us?" Juan asks me when I turn my neck to face him, he's flashing his perfect smile. "Yeah." I answer and he continues to smile. "Alright boys let's go!" Christina says to Juan, Aaron and I. "I think i'm parked next to you i'll just follow you guys there." I say to Christina and she nods.

"I'll ride with you." Juan says to me and I try my best not to choke on my own breath. "Yeah, sure." I reply. Why the hell did I just agree twice? The entire drive is spent with Juan saying that he's happy it's Friday. I spend my time thinking of how i'm gonna ask him why he lied about Christina leaving him. Should I ask?

When we pull up to the house I turn the engine off and think to myself it's now or never. As he prepare to open the car door I blurt out "Why did you lie about Christina leaving you?" "Huh?" Juan asks sounding confused. "Yesterday you said that Christina left you so you asked if I could drive you here." I say not looking at him. 

"Oh that... I just didn't want to see them sliming each other down and shit." He replies. "Oh okay." I say and I can't help but to feel disappointed. 

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