Chapter 13.

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Songs for this chapter: I listened to X by Ed Sheeran while writing this entire chapter from One to I See Fire. So go on spotify or if you have it already and listen to it while reading and enjoy :)

"That was amazing." he says and kisses my shoulder then rolls over beside me. "Are you okay?" he asks, looking over into my eyes. "Yeah, just thinking." I answer.

Even though i'm still in pain, I'm smiling at him. I can't believe I finally lost my virginity and it was to someone I care about and love and he love's me too. The pain was worth it if I could be intertwined with him sexually and emotionally. I love him and I can honestly never see anyone taking the place of this goofy brown eye'd boy. He's the only one.

"Maybe we should take showers." he says, getting up to throw the foil packet away. "Yeah, maybe we should." I agree and turn around then pull the sheets off from sticking onto my stomach. 

When I sit up on the bed I feel a sharp pain coming from my ass that immediately makes me stand up then my legs feel weak so I fall to the ground on top of our clothes. Shit.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Juan asks, running over to help me up. "Yeah, I always heard you might not be able to walk for a couple minutes after you have sex for the first time." I tell him and he nods and picks me up and takes me to the shower. 

During our shower I get back my ability to walk but I don't have clothes to wear anymore. I tell Juan and after our shower we put on two white robes and he takes our clothes and puts them in their washing machine. It's kind of cool actually they have an entire laundry room next to their living room and there's a door leading to it from the living room.

As we wait for the clothes to finishing washing we go to the living room. When I sit on the couch in the comfortable robe I quickly jump back up because my ass is still hurting. "Shit!" I yell out when I hop up. "Your ass still hurts?" Juan asks. "Yeah." I answer.

"Here sit on this." he says and gives me a pillow. When I sit down it actually feels like heaven. "Thanks." I say to him while running my fingers through his curls. 

After I force Juan to watch The Notebook with me I hear him ask me a question. "So my cousin and my aunt are coming over for dinner or something Saturday and my moms wanted to ask if you wanted to join us. I was gonna ask even if they didn't invite you." he finishes and I begin to smile harder and brighter than ever. 

"Of course I would go." I say to him, still smiling and running my first through his curls. He smiles and bites down on his lip then moves in on me. When our lips are connected we hear a huge buzzing noise coming from the laundry room and it startles both of us enough to make us fall to the floor.

After laughing Juan gets up and goes into the laundry room. When I pick up the remote to pause the movie I hear keys jingling and I see the front door open. I'm stuck in place when I see Jane and Sarah come into the house kissing. I see that they weren't looking when they came in so I quickly try to get up and leave but when I do I let out a slight cry.

"Did you hear that?" I hear Jane say and I quickly get up while covering my mouth and make my way to the laundry room where Juan is. "What's wro--" I silence his question by putting my hand on his mouth. "Your moms are here." I whisper and his eyes go wide.

Out of nowhere the door flings open and all wee see is Sarah staring death into Juan's eyes.

(Author's note: Sorry it's so short but I have school stuff I have to deal with and I've been caught up with it but I will update tomorrow hopefully and omgooooooooooood I have 995 reads I'm almost at a thousand I thought I wouldn't get that many until spring! And I have a new character being added to the story I think you guys will like him ;) have a good day everyone.)

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