Chapter 5.

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(2 weeks later)

I get out of bed and prepare for the many texts from my family members. I open my phone and I have 32 messages but I go straight to Lindsey and Jack's.

(From Lindsey)

"Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaay sorry I cant be there :( love ya"

"Thanks Linds love you too :)"

(From Jack)

"Happy birthday bro!!!!!!"

"Thanks man hopefully you can come next year"

I go to take a shower and when I open my door the smell of chocolate cake attacks my nostrils. I immediately run downstairs and into the kitchen, I see Julie, my dad, and Sam putting candles on the cake. "Happy Birthday!" Sam screams and runs over to hug me. 

She jumps in my arms and I hug her tightly. "Happy birthday." Julie says to me with a smile and stands next to my dad, "Happy birthday, son." My dad says while lighting the candles. "Thanks guys." I say while walking over to the cake, when I blow out the candles we all get a piece of it. It tastes heavenly, one of the best I ever had.

When I finished eating I go back upstairs, shower, and get dressed. When I get back downstairs Julie and Sam are gone. I find my dad in the kitchen still eating cake, "Hey dad one of my friends birthday is today too and he's having a party can I go?" I ask nervously I never asked my dad to go to a party before. "Sure, just be home by midnight." he says with a smile. 

I grab my keys and bag and head out to my car. When I get to school I see Christina, Juan, Aaron, and Ashton sitting at a table on the side of the school. "Hey birthday boy!" Christina says while getting up from Aaron's lap to hug me. "Happy birthday, dude." Aaron and Ashton say at the same time. 

"Happy birthday, man." Juan says to me and puts his arm around my neck when I sit next to him. "We're all going to my house before the party, you're still coming right?" Juan asks. "Yeah, my dad said I could go, I just have to be home by midnight." I reply and Juan's smile grows bigger.

"That's okay, the party starts at ten." Juan says and smiles so hard his dimples are showing, I never even knew he had dimples. The rest of the day is spent with Juan talking about how fun the party is gonna be. For the past 2 weeks Juan and I have been hanging out everyday and he's really is a great person.

When school is over Juan and I follow Christina, Aaron, and Ashton to Juan and Aaron's house. When we get to his house Juan goes upstairs to shower and change his clothes, is what i'm wearing okay? He comes back down in a white button up it's almost see through, black skinny jeans, a black necklace, and black converses.

"How do I look?" Juan asks me. "You look incredible." I say absentmindedly. "I mean you look good." I quickly try to change my answer. "You look good too." Juan says to me and I feel my cheeks turn red. We decide to watch a movie and before we know it it's 9:30 so we decide to leave, i'm anxious and Juan's excited. Juan gives me the address and I put it in my GPS, when we pull up to the house it's its the same size as mine and very crowded and all that can be heard is music blasting. 

"Come on." Juan says to me I get out of the car and Christina, Aaron and Ashton come over to us. "Look man, don't get drunk or high if I even see you eyeing a drink and we're leaving." Aaron says with a stern voice. "Yeah, whatever let's go." Juan says and goes in the house and I follow him.

"Hey, Juan." I group of girls say to him as we walk past them, but he doesn't respond. When we stop walking we are infront of a couch full of people. "Juaaaan my man, happy birthday." a bloodshot eye'd guy says while standing up from the couch but falls back down and starts laughing. "Hey asshole." Juan replies and I stand behind him looking awkward as can be.

"Who's the weirdo?" The bloodshot eye'd man asks Juan not even bothering to whisper. "Oh yeah, This is John, John this is my friend Eric." Juan introduces us and sits down on the couch. "Hey dude." Eric says to me with a smile. "Hey." I reply and take a seat next to Juan. I spot Christina and Aaron on the other side of the room, Christina is sitting on Aaron's lap and Aaron is looking directly at Eric and Juan. 

"I'm gonna go over there with Christina and Aaron." I say to Juan, I get up to walk toward them and I hear Eric's voice ask "So when did you start hanging with losers?" I almost turn around to defend myself until I hear Juan say "Don't call him that." in an aggresive voice.

I continue to walk over to Christina and Aaron. "He ruined your night already huh?" Aaron asks still staring at Eric and Juan. "Yup." I say while sitting next to them on the large sofa. After a while I start to regret coming to this party and I get up to find a quiet place to calm my nerves. I find my way to the kitchen which is surprisingly empty.

I pull out my phone to preoccupy myself. I pick up a cup, I don't know what's in it but right now I couldn't care less. When I take a sip of whatever is in the cup it burns my throat and I instantly regret drinking it, I never drank before and it feels like my throat is on fire.

Out of nowhere Juan comes storming in the kitchen and he looks angry. He grabs a red cup and downs whatever is inside it then leans on the counter next to me. "What happened?" I ask. "Nothing, Eric is just being a asshole, nothing new." He replies.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks me. "Sure." I reply, still leaning on the counter. "Over the past three weeks i've known you, you've been like my best friend. You're cool, funny, smart and a all around good guy and I want you to know--" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. I don't know what made me kiss him but i'm happy it did. But my happiness is shortlived  when I feel him push me off of him.

 (Author Note: I know its a short chapter I was gonna make it longer but I have homework and stuff to do and I was tired sooooooooo I might update again today or tomorrow. I hope you liked it remember to comment and vote and thanks for reading :) )

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