Chapter 21.

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Songs for this chapter: 

Stay With Me - Sam Smith

Moments - One Direction

Ronan - Taylor Swift

Haunted - Beyonce

Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj (so perfect for this chapter so you maybe should play it first)

(Juan POV)

"It's over." he says, ripping his necklace off and throwing it at my chest. I pick the necklace up from the ground and watch as he picks up his two bags and leave. I try my best to go after him but my feet won't move and I feel my throat closing as the tears continue to pour from my eyes. I always ruin the good things in my life. He's right, I am damaged. I walk over to my bed and lie down, squeezing my eyes shut hoping I wake up from this awful nightmare.

(John POV) 

I have a strong headache from our arguement and from the tears still coming from my eyes. When I get downstairs I see Christina and no one else. I sigh in relief, I can't face anyone right now but Christina. When I get infront of the counter Christina looks up and her face turns from happy to how I feel, heartbroken.

She quickly hurries around the counter and hugs me tightly. I drop my bags and hug her back as tightly as I can and more tears come from my eyes. "Please take me home." I say in almost a whisper. "Okay." she says to me still attached to me. "Come on." Christina tells me and grabs the keys off the counter.

"What happened?" she asks me as we pull off. "We broke up." I tell her, leaning my head against the window. "Why? I know he was mad but all you did was dance on him. He was the one he pumbled Liam." "I broke up with him." I tell her with a cracked voice. "He told me I was just like April and he should've known." I repeat his words and they feel like daggers piercing my heart. 

Out of nowhere Christina slams on the brakes and I go flying up, hitting my forehead on the dashboard. "He said what!?" she screams as I hurry to put on my seatbelt "What the hell Christina." I say finally getting the belt to click. "I'm going to kick his ass when I get back. I don't give a fuck if he was angry or not he shouldn't have said that!" she says and begins driving again.

"Maybe he's right." I say and Christina looks over at me and I look back at her and almost jump. She's pissed the fuck off. "Did you fuck a group of guys when you two was together?" she asks me. "Of course not." I tell her. "Then you're not like April." she says and begins driving again.

As I lean my head against the window again I feel a vibration in my pocket. I pull out my phone and see a text from Juan I open it and I read "Where are you?" I ignore it and put my phone on my lap. seconds later I get another "I'm sorry babe." after a ignore that one a minute later I get another saying "I'll fix us babe I promise and I'm sorry.". I text him back "I don't know if you can." and turn my phone off and lean my head against the window and doze off.

(A/N I'm sorry It's so short but I wanted to update and thank you for 2.1k reads im so freakin happy :) And I wanted to let everyone know that I've come up with a new story "Our Haunted Love" and I might post a preview chapter of it and hopefully I can manage two stories at once :) have a wonderful night everyone and remember to vote comment and share :))

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