Chapter 23.

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Songs for this chapter
Over Again - One Direction
You & I - One Direction
Happy Little Pill - Troye Sivan
Touch - Troye Sivan
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez

Love The Way You Lie - Eminem ft Rihanna

(Juan POV)

When I walk in the house I see everyone in the living room except Liam. "We need to talk." Moms say and I sigh. "Yeah?" I ask, and bury my face in my hands to hide my swollen eyes. "What happened between you and Liam?!" Thomas shouts at me and the fire reignites in my belly. "Why don't you ask your fucking son!" I shout back, getting up at the same time.

"What's that supposed to mean you little fa--" his words are cut short by my fist connecting to his jaw perfectly. I fight back the urge to hit the son of a bitch again and go to my room and pack my clothes. When I finish packing my shit Christina walks in. "What the fuck do you want?" I say, glaring at her but all I see in return is sympathy.

"How could you say that to John." she says, and I roll my eyes. She can't be serious right now. "Did you see the way he was dancing on that fucking prick last night?" I say and she scoffs. "So he was drunk, we all do dumb shit when we're drunk it's not like he's really gay." she says and I get quiet.

"Wait is he?" she asks and I remain quiet. "Oh my god." Christina says and I walk past her with my bags in my hand. When I get to the top of the stairs I notice I haven't seen Liam. "Where's Liam?" I ask and her eyes go wide. "At John's house."

I quickly find myself starting my car and speeding off to get to John.

(John POV)

I wake up still lying on Liam's chest smiling for some reason but it's good to know I can still do it after everything that just happened. I look down at the dvd start menu then up at a sleep Liam with his lips parted snoring lightly. I smile again at his lips as he sleeps. When I attempt to get up from his chest he pulls me back down and kisses the top of my head then begins to lightly snore again. I surprisingly find myself comfortable in his warm embrace and drift back off to sleep in his arms.

When I wake up again I see Liam putting on his shoes. "You're leaving?" I ask and I can't help but have sadness in my voice. "Yeah, I gotta go it's getting late." he says and I don't know if I'm gonna regret my next question but here goes "What if you spent the night here?" I ask and he looks back at me but I can't read his face.

"What about Juan?" he asks and begins tying his other shoe. "We broke up." I tell him and he stops tying for a second then continues. "Plus it's not like we're going to be having sex or anything." I add. "Okay let's not rule anything out just yet." he says, and we both burst out in laughter waking Sam and Ashton up in the process. "What!?" Sam jumps up and yells making Liam and I laugh even harder.

"Fine, i'll stay." he says, giving me his famous goofy smile. "I live about a mile from here. Be right back." he tells me and gets his car keys off of my night stand then walks out the door, leaving me smiling.

(Juan POV)

When I get to that house I'm going to fuck him up. When I park infront of the house I was just baring my soul at a few hours ago I see Liam walking out of the door. "You son of a bitch!" I yell at him and slam my car door shut. "Hi." he smiles at me, making me want to crack every other rib in his body. I quickly force my balled hands to my side when I realize he's trying to get me to hit him.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him through my teeth and he tilts his head back in laughter. "I have no idea what you're talking about." he says and tries to walk past me but I grip him up and push him back. "Yes you do. Liam I apologized for what happened with Ethan--" "An entire fucking year later, some bestfriend you are." he says and I can taste the venom in his words as he continues. "You don't deserve anyone like John. You're a selfish, asshole, prick, who only cares about himself." he says and I can't deny every word is true.

"When I kissed him it was just payback for what you did but as soon as my lips touched his I needed more. I crave more of him day and night. And now that you two are broken up most likely because of you, I'll be a better boyfriend than you'll ever be." When he finishes all the chances of me and John getting back together I held on to desperately vanished and I'm unable to move.

As I fight back the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes Liam walks past me, gets in his car and leaves and after 10 minutes of standing, staring at John's I do the same.

As I drive to Eric's house to drank my life away I think back on the day that changed me and Liam's friendship forever.

"I can't wait for you to meet Ethan." Liam says, smiling and driving. "You sure you wanna do this y'know since you and April just broke up?" he asks. Oh my fucking god he's really starting to piss me off keep asking if I'm alright about April. "Yeah, i'm fine." I roll my eyes and continue to play candy crush. "Anyway, Ethan is cute, smart--" "And could be cheating on you right now." I say, cutting him off. "What's that supposed to mean?" Liam asks, glaring at me after he parks outside of a house the size of mine.

"I'm just saying you've been together for a year and secretly see each other on the weekends you don't think he might be cheating on you?" I say, knowing I'm getting under his skin. "No I don't he's not April." Liam says and get's out of the car before I can kick his ass.

When we walk up to the house Liam knocks and a woman who looks like she's had 3 to many facelifts opens the door. " "Hi Liam." she says, with a tight smile. "Hey Mrs. Cooper this is my cousin Juan." Liam says as we walk inside. "Hi." I say dryly and she makes a sad face I think. "Ethans in his room have fun you three." she smiles and Liam guides me to our destination.

When we get to his room I see a hot blonde hair blue eye'd boy with a t-shirt and shorts on. He's muscular like Liam but short like him too. "Hey babe." Liam says and kisses him. "This is my cousin and bestfriend Juan." he shows me off to his sexy boyfriend. When I look over at Ethans his practically stripping me with his eyes.

"Hey babe could you get us something to drink?" Ethan asks and Liam does so. When Liam is gone I sit on the bed next Ethan. "So Liam really seems to like you." I say to the blonde and he turns the TV off. "I know. Do you?" he asks, looking me in the eye. "Your alright." I say, starting to grow nervous. "Just alright?" he fake pouts and begins running his hand up my thigh. Looks like Liam's precious Ethan is just like April after all.

I grab the back of the blondes head and press my lips against his hard. I lay back on the bed and pull him on top of me. "My eyes shoot open when I hear something crashing to the ground. I look up and see Liam staring at us. He quickly leaves out the rom and Ethan follows him.

I'm pulled from th ememories when I hear honking coming from a car behind me. I should have said sorry then and there but I was stupid. I've lost my bestfriend and my boyfriend. When I pull up to Eric's house their a full rager going on. I'm going to drink until the memories of John Payne are all gone.

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