Chapter 17.

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"Wake up sleepy shit." Juan says, while slapping my butt. "Nooooo, five more minutes." I tell him, and bury my head in my pillow. "Come on, you don't want to be late." he says and begins to jump on my bed. "Ugh okay." I say, while getting up and stretching. 

I didn't get much sleep last night, all I kept having dreams of Juan breaking up with me when I told him about Liam kissing me. I kept waking up, sweating and breathing heavy I'm surprised I didn't wake Juan up. 

"Are you okay?" Juan asks me, with worried eyes. "Yeah, just a little tired." I answer him with a smile. I should pack some more. I get up and go into my closet and see that there's alot of things I forgot to pack. I get the gold MK watch my father bought me for my birthday, more books, and my swim trunks and a couple more pair of shoes. 

When I finish packing, I get a black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts and head to the shower. I stay in the shower until the water turns cold thinking about what Juan will say or do when I tell him. This is eating me alive. I brush my teeth and when I walk out the shower the smell of bacon invade my nostrils, I quickly go in my room to dry off and get dressed.

When I finish getting dressed I speed walk to the kitchen and I see Juan putting eggs, bacon, grits, and fruit on two plates with a smile on his face. "Hey." he says, when he looks up at me. "Hey." I smile back. "I can just shower and get dressed at my place." he says, and hands me a plate and puts the pan in the dishwasher. We walk in the living room and watch The Dark Knight while eating. When I put the fork full of food in my mouth my eyes roll back and I let out a slight moan and I hear Juan chuckle.

"So when are we leaving?" I ask, with a full mouth. "In about 15 minutes and ew swallow your food." he laughs then throws a grape at me and in a swift move I catch it in my mouth and Juan bursts into laughter.

When I finish eating I go upstairs and get my phone, charger, laptop, and headphones. I put my laptop and charger in my bag and plug my headphones in my phone and bring my bag downstairs. After I make sure all the doors are locked and the security system is on, Juan and I leave out the door. I get in the car and Juan put's my bag in the trunk, "This is going to be so much fun." he smiles when he get in the car and put's his hand on my knee then pulls off.

When we pull up to the house I see two large black SUV's parked infront of Sarah and Jane's house. "My asshole uncle Thomas is in there please try to not kick his ass everytime he talks." he says, and I laugh. When we walk in the house Juan sits my bag next to the door and we walk over to the sitting room where everyone is. 

"Hey." I say to everyone infront of us. Christina get's up and hugs me and everyone else says hi, except a judgemental looking man staring at me. "Who's this?" the man asks, in a grimey, judgemental voice. "I'm John, Juan's boyfriend." I answer, and reach my hand out to shake his but Juan quickly takes my hand and hold's it in his. 

"I'll be back." Juan says, then goes upstairs and I sit down next to the judgemental man since all the other seats are taken. "Hey, John!" Jane says, when she comes out of the kitchen and sits down then gives me a bright smile and I return it. "Hey. Is there anything you need help with?" I ask, hoping to get away from the man that I know is staring at me.

"Sure, could you take the bags to the car?" she asks, and I nod while smiling. She tosses me the keys and when I get up Thomas says "Liam, go help him. We all know how his kind can be with heavy duty situations." and I'm at a loss for words, I know Christina said he's a asshole but I'm really shocked. He really just said that.... infront of me.

"Thomas!" Jane says, and Thomas his hands up with a smirk on his face. "Asshole." I say under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. "Excuse me?" Thomas turns to me and asks. "He said you're an asshole." Christina and Sarah say at the same time, making me smile.

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