Chapter 8.

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Songs for this chapter:

Change My Mind - One Direction (I loooove this song so much and it's just perfect)

Summer Love - One Direction

18 - One Direction

Night Changes - One Direction

Fool's Gold - One Direction

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

All of the stars - Ed Sheeran

Little Me (Unplugged) - Little Mix 

Shirtsleeves - Ed Sheeran

When we walk into the living room everyone is quiet until I break the silence by saying "This is Juan, Juan this is my dad, Matthew and my neighbors Julie and Sam." "Nice to meet you." Juan says with a smile. "Nice to meet you too." My dad says and gets up and shakes his hand. "Hi." Sam replies, "Hello." Julie says with a smile.

"So where are you two going?" Sam asks Juan. "Just to the movies." he replies and puts his arm around my neck like always but tighter than usual and keeps his eyes on Sam. "Well have fun you two and be back by midnight." my dad says and Juan and I turn to leave.

When we turn the corner from the living room to go to the door I hear Julie say "I like him." and I smile. When we get outside I hear Juan ask "Sam's your friend?" and I'm instantly confused then I understand. "Are you jealous?" I ask almost laughing, "Nope just wondering." he says, smirking. "Yes, we're just friends." I say, answering his previous question and he smiles showing his perfect dimples.

"Where's your car?" I ask, looking up and down my street. "Follow me." Juan says while grabbing my hand and walking down the street.

When we stop we are infront of a black 2014 Chevy Impala it looks amazing. "Wow." I say still staring at it, "This is my new baby." He says, hugging it and I laugh. When we are both inside the car Juan starts it and turns on the radio and "Change My Mind" by One Direction plays through the speakers.

"This could be our song." Juan says and I look over at him and smile. "That's fine with me." I tell him, our eyes still linked. "I guess we should go now." Juan says, smiling and pulls off.

When we arrive at the theater it's huge and packed. "What are we seeing?" I ask while getting out of the car. "It's a surprise." he replies with a smile and I follow him inside the theater. "Follow me." Juan says and walks up the stairs to the concession stand and jumps behind it and nobody says anything.

He fills up 2 cups with soda and get's a huge box of popcorn and get's a bunch of candy and jumps back over the counter. "Is this legal?" I ask and he tilts his head back in laughter. "Yes it's legal, now let's go before security see's us." he jokes, at least I think he jokes and I roll my eyes. "Come on." he says and takes my hand leading me past the person taking ticket's.

Before we walk in the theater I stop him, "You sure this is legal?" I ask again. "Yes, my moms own the place and they said I could use it for our date." he explains. "Oh, well let's go I wanna get good seats." I say and walk in and to my surprised it's empty.

I turn around and look at Juan who's smiling, "I told you it was a surprise it's just me and you." he says, still smiling. "Wow." I say surprised he would go through all this trouble just for me. "Let's go up there I say while walking to the middle aisle.

When we sit down Juan pulls his phone out and texts someone then puts it back in his pocket, seconds later the lights go out and my favorite movie ever comes on Spider-Man. I kiss Juan on the cheek and open my candy and lay my head on his shoulder while watching the movie.

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