Chapter 7.

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Songs for this chapter:

Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj

Don't - Ed Sheeran

Clean - Taylor Swift

Yours - Ella Henderson (I just heard this song yesterday on spotify and im in love with it)

I feel something warm run down my cheek, a tear. I quickly get back into my car to avoid being seen by him, how could he do this? I can't believe I actually thought he liked me, I can't believe how stupid I am. When I look out of my window Juan is gone and the girl is sitting on the steps of the school. When I go to the doors of the school I look down at her and she has smeared eye make up and it looks like she's been crying.

I walk past her and go straight to my literature class, before I walk in I make sure I have my best bitch face on because I know Juan is waiting for me. When I walk in I make sure my eyes never meet the evil brown eye'd boy. 

I immediately look at Christina and smile while making my way toward her, when I sit down Juan turns around to face me, "What's wrong?" he asks looking confused. "Are you serious!?" I yell, instantly regretting it when everyone's eyes are on me.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" he asks again. "You know what, nothing's wrong. Oh and that thing we we're doing later, forget it." I whisper, and the sound of Ms. Napoli's yard stick hitting her desk stops what ever Juan is about to say. "One more word and everyone will have detention for the next 4 months." Ms. Napoli says and begins to teach the class.

At the end of class I put my backpack on my shoulder and I feel a hand on my wrist pulling me, it's Christina. She pulls me out of the classroom and when we stop we're infront of my locker. "Do you and Juan have a date?" She asks and my heart beats a mile a minute. "Did." I correct her, "How did you know?" I ask.

"Well, last night after you left Juan came up to me and told me he had a date today and asked me what he should and shouldn't do since he haven't dated anyone since he broke up with A--" she stops mid-sentence then continues "Anyway he wouldn't tell me who he was going out with, even though I figured it was you. And in class you said he could forget the thing you two had going on today I put 2 and 2 together." Christina explains, out of breath.

"Wait, you know he's gay or bi or whatever the hell he is?" I ask astonished. "Yeah, Aaron and their moms know too but he told me first." She says, proudly. "Why is your date not happening?" she asks with a sweet and caring voice. "Well when I woke up I was fully prepared for my date with him and I was so happy, but when I got to school I seen him kissing some girl but he dosen't know I saw him and I would like to keep it that way because I don't want to see him again." I say, not knowing if I mean what I'm saying.

"Wait, did this girl have long black hair and baby blue eyes?" Christina asks. "Yeah." I say surprised by her question. Does she know this mystery girl? "Sweety, that was his ex-girlfriend April." Christina says, her face filled with sympathy then anger, when I turn around to see why, Juan is coming toward us and my emotions are mixed with hurt and anger. 

I quickly turn back around to face Christina. "See you later." I say while hugging her.

"Give him hell." she says in my ear and I smile as she walks away. When I turn to walk to gym I try to walk past Juan without saying anything or asking for an explination but he grabs my arm and stops me. "What's your problem?" he asks, "Not like you care. Just leave me alone." I say and yank my arm from his hand.

When I walk into the gym P.E. just started and everyone is working out. I go into the locker room to change, I need to run this feeling of hurt and frustration off. When I finish changing and putting my things into my locker I turn to leave but Juan walks in. 

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