Chapter 6.

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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I don't know why I just did that." I say and Juan stays quiet. I quickly leave the kitchen to go to my car, why the hell did I kiss him? What's wrong with me? I bump into Ashton while i'm trying to make my escape. "Dude what's wrong?" He asks me. "Nothing i'm just gonna go home, I'm starting to feel sick." I lie. "Okay see you tomorrow." He replies and I continue to speed walk to my car.

When I get into my car I put my head on the steering wheel. "What the hell did I do?" I ask myself while starting the engine. An hour later i'm home in bed, wondering what schools gonna be like tomorrow and I quickly drift off.

I wake up and hesitate to get out of bed and get into the shower. I spend my shower thinking of  what Juan will say to me. Will he tell people? Did he already? When I'm out the shower and dressed I try to eat but I can't find my appetite. When I am out the door and driving to school I am 20 minutes early. 

When I park and begin to walk to the school I hear Christina call out for me. She is sitting at the table next to the school her, Aaron, and Juan normally sit at. I begin to walk over with caution when I see Juan. "Where did you go last night?" Christina asks, "Oh, I went home I didn't feel good." I lie and Juan stays quiet.

"You wanna come over my house after school?" Aaron asks me. "Yeah, maybe." I say while trying to smile. "I'm gonna go to the library to get some books i'll see you guys later." I say trying to dismiss myself until I hear a deep voice say, "I'll come with you." from behind me.

"Sure." I turn around and say trying not to stutter. When we walk into the library it's empty. I begin to walk off to find the book I need and Juan follows me. When I find the book I need I turn around and he's behind me staring me in my eyes.

"Look, i'm sorry about kissing you yesterday. I don't know what--" "It's alright really." Juan says calmly cutting me off. "No, I shouldn't have done th--" Juan cuts me off once again but this time not with words, this time with lips on my cheek.

"Like I said it's okay." Juan says with a smile and red cheeks. I stand in place confused, happy, but mostly confused. "What book did you need?" Juan says while looking at the many books on the shelves. "You just kissed me." I say still stunned. "Yeah, and?" Juan asks while smiling again, this time showing his dimples.

I slowly step closer to him and press my lips against his, this time harder. He kisses me back more aggresive until we hear the library doors open. We both pull away at the same time, when I go to see who walked in it's Christina. "There you two are. Ms. Napoli says come to class now, you're lucky I covered for you're asses." she says while laughing. 

 "Here we come, shit!" Juan screams at Christina, "Hurry up then!" Christina screams back and walk back out the door. When Christina is out of the library Juan gives me a kiss on the forehead then starts walking toward the door and I follow him silently.

The rest of the day is filled with Juan and I smiling at one another and Juan winking at me when no one looking. When school is over I get a text from Juan saying to meet him, Christina and Aaron outside. When I walk outside I see Juan's face light up with joy, I walk up to them and hug Christina and Juan puts his arm around my neck like always. 

"You're coming with us right?" Juan asks. "Yeah." I say while smiling and looking into his brown eyes, while Juan and I walk to my car I get mentally prepared for the conversation we're about to have.

"So what are we doing?" I ask looking at him when we're both in the car. "Going to my house." Juan says and chuckles. "I'm serious." I say and Juan smile fades, "I don't know." he responds and I sigh and nod.

"Wanna go on a date?" Juan surprises me by asking. "Yes." I answer eagerly. "Ok then, i'll pick you up tomorrow at nine?" Juan asks sounding more nervous than me. "That would be great." I say while looking at him, his cheeks are a bright red and I know mine are too.

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