Chapter 18.

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I wake up to the smells of different foods and my stomach immediately begins to growl. "Morning, sleepy head." Juan says, to me while rubbing my biceps up and down and watching Cartoon Network.

"Goodmorning." I say to him while stretching and squinting. I'm still tired from the talk I had with Liam at one in the morning. Liam. Does Juan still want to beat him up? I hope not he seems like a really good person. I have to tell Juan he was drunk when he kissed me.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth." I say, getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom next to us. I don't turn on the light so my eyes can adjust because the light coming from the balcony was murder. After I spit, rinse, and use mouthwash I walk out the bathroom and my eyes are fine again.

When I get back in bed with Juan he pauses the TV and I see that he has his serious face on. "So what are we going to do about the Liam situation." he says, with a straight face. "About that. I have to tell you something." I tell him and he remains quiet.

"I woke up at one in the morning and I heard Thomas and Grace fighting and stuff being thrown around. I walked outside the room and Liam was sitting at the foot of the door with a glass of liquor in his hand drinking and crying. When I helped him get to his room he told me he was drunk when he kissed me and apologized, then said he wants to be friends with me and you. What do you think?" I ask him, out of breath.

Juan takes and deep breath and says "Okay." and I'm completely caught off gaurd by his answer. "You're really rubbing off on me." he says, while pulling me into his legs. "I'm gonna go wash off and brush my teeth." Juan says, with a smile. "Good, your breath stinks." I laugh while rubbing the stuble on his chin. "This stubble thing you got going on his hot." I say, and his cheeks turn red.

When Juan goes into the bathroom my stomach growls again so I go in my drawer and pull out a black tank-top and head downstairs. When I get downstairs I see Aaron and Christina cuddling on the couch, Sarah on the couch texting someone and Jane is in the kitchen stirring something. "Goodmorning." I say to everyone with a smile and they say it back.

When I walk past Christina and Aaron and go to the kitchen I feel a soft hand grip my wrist and lead me upstairs and I already know it's Christina before I look at her. When Christina opens the door to her and Aaron's room she finally talks. "What?" I ask her, totally confused. "Come with me." she says, letting my wrist go and I follow her in the bathroom. "Look." she says, and when I look in the mirror a gasp.

I have eight hickeys on the front of my neck, big ones and see bite marks. When Christina get's a small mirror from of the counter I see more trailing down my back. "Oh my god." is the only thing I could say. "What the hell did you two do last night?" she asks, slightly laughing. "Well, I told him Liam kissed me and--" "Wait, the fuck?!" Christina screams. Shit.

"He kissed you?" Christina asks, this time quieter. "Yeah." I admit. I didn't want to out Liam like this but atleast I know Christina won't say anything. "When? Where? How?" she continues to pry. "After we got out the pool I went to change in Juan's room. When I was finished Liam knocked on the door and when I opened it he just kissed me." I explain.

"No wonder he's been acting so weird. He's afraid of what Juan's going to do to him, I don't blame him. We've all been to Juan's boxing matches. He's undefeated." She informs me and my worry for Liam's safety grows stronger.

"Last night I woke up because I heard screaming and arguing coming from Thomas and Grace's room. When I looked outside Liam was outside of their door, drunk. When I helped him in bed he told me he was drunk the day he kissed me and he wanted to be friends with Juan and I." I finish and she nods in agreement.

"So how did you get all of these hickey's?" she asks, pointing at them. "He said he wanted to fight Liam and I wouldn't let him so I guess he took his frustrations out on me." I say, biting my lip at the memory. "Hot damn." she says and begins fanning herself with the small mirror and we both laugh.

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