Chapter 22.

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Songs for this chapter:

Stay - Rihanna

Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj

Bed Of Lies - Nicki Minaj ft. Skylar Grey

Lego House - Ed Sheeran

Clean - Taylor Swift

Same Mistakes - One Direction

Pretend It's Okay - Little Mix

I wake up when I feel Christina rubbing my shoulder. "We're here. You want me to come in?" she asks and I shake my head. It's already bad enough that I kicked in their door I don't want to ruin their trip. "No I'm fine." I lie and try my best to smile but I fail. When I get out of the car I get my bags and say my last goodbye to Christina before going in the house.

When I walk in the empty house I shut the door and when I hear Christina pull off I gently put my bags down, lean against the wall, and cry while sliding down to the floor. After minutes of crying next to the door I pull out my phone and call Sam. I can't be alone right now. 

After telling Sam everything I hang up the phone and 3 minutes later she's at my door with ice cream, the Twilight saga, The Fault In Our Stars, and The Notebook. "I'm so sorry John." she says, hugging me tightly and I hug her back. "It's okay." I say, taking the ice cream from her and going in the kitchen. 

"So how do you feel now?" Sam asks me as I get the spoons from out of the drawer. "Like shit." I  looking down at the sink. "It's going to be okay." she says, rubbing my back and I sigh. "I hope I didn't ruin your plans or anything." I say, turning around and giving her a spoon. "No, this guy I'm dating and I kind of had plans for tonight but it's okay. I want to stay here with you." She says and I feel terrible instantly.

"You could tell him to come here I have plenty of room. We could watch movies together." I suggest, with a smile. "Sure!" she agrees eagerly and walks out the kitchen with her phone in her hand. "Babe, my friend said you could come over and watch movies with us." she says, and I can tell she's smiling. "Okay. See you soon." She says and comes back in the kitchen. "He's ten minutes away." she says and we go upstairs and turn on The Fault In Our Stars first. 

I can't believe I thought Juan was my Augustus Waters. He's a jerk, he's inconsiderate, he's caring, and smart. He's not my Augustus Waters, he's my Juan Smith, was my Juan Smith. My thoughts of Juan are cut short when I hear a knock at the door. Sam quickly jumps up and runs downstairs.

When I hear the door open I hear a familiar voice say "Hey babe.". I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and Sam comes through my door. "This is John." Sam says and when her boyfriend comes in through my bedroom door I'm in shock. It's Ashton. "Hey John!" Ashton smiles and walks over and gives me a bro shake. "Hey Ash." I say with a smile. I need to be around people that don't remind me of Juan, this is good. 

"You two know each other?" Sam asks with a confused look on her face. "Yeah we go to school together." I chuckle. "How do you two know each other?" Ashton asks. "Our parents are humping so we're basically bestfriends." Sam answers and me and her burst into laughter. 

Ashton gets my old blue bean bag chair from the corner of my room and pull it infront of my TV and him and Sam lie on it with her head burried in his chest and I smile. I can't help it I love, love. I guess I'm one of those hopeless romantics I always read about.

When The Fault in Our Stars go off Sam puts in Twilight and I hear a knock at my door. "Stay there, I'll get it." Sam says with a smile then leaves. Who could be knocking on my-- shit. "John!" Sam calls for me and I already know what to expect. 

"I told him to leave but he won't until he sees you." Sam tells me while glaring at Juan and Juan rolls his eyes. "Thanks Sam. Can we have a minute?" I ask and she nods, still eyeing Juan then goes back upstairs.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, walking outside and shutting the door. "I told you I was going to fix it I'll do anything." he says, and he looks like total hell. He has dark rings around his eyes from crying, he looks like he needs sleep, and he looks like a part of him is missing.

"Juan there is nothing to fix, we are just not right for each other." I say and go backward into the house and shut the door but he stops it with his foot. When I open the door he falls to his knees infront of me and tears begin to pour from his eyes and I fight back mine. "Please John, I love you and without you I'm absolutely nothing. You have my heart and I know I have yours. I know I'm a jerk and a complete ass and I'm damaged but you heal me of all my demons and for that I am forever in your debt. John you change me for the better and without you I don't know what I would do. Please forgive me." he finishes and we both have tears running down our face and I quickly find myself on my knees hugging him tightly. 

"I know you're not going to want me back anytime soon but maybe we could start over?" He suggests and I nod as I continue to hug him tightly, burying my face in his neck. "I love you." he says, holding the back of my head, burying me in a field of his scent. "I love you." I say and what feels like after lifetime we both get from off of ours knees. He kisses me on the cheek and says "I love you." Before walking to his car. After sitting in it for a few minutes he pulls off.

When I walk back into the house. I have so many mixed emotions right now but I can't just get back with him as much as he loves me and I love him maybe we're not right for each other. 

When I begin to watch Twilight with Sam and Ashton I hear a knock on my door again. I go downstairs and open it leaving Ashton and Sam to make out and I see a beaten up Liam standing infront of me. He has on a white t-shirt, white shorts, and white converses but he has a black eye, a bruised cheek, and I run up and hug him. "I'm sorry this is all my fault I shouldn't have danced with you." I say and quickly pull away when I hear him hiss. I forgot Christina told me he has a cracked rib too.

"It's okay John it's not like I didn't like it." he smiles his goofy smile and I chuckle. "What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?" I ask. "I wanted to check on you Christina told me what happened with you and Juan breaking up and you kicking in the door. I didn't know you were such a badass." he answers and I laugh. "And Christina told me where you lived. I didn't mean for you and Juan to break up I shouldn't have kissed you." he tells me and I sigh. "And I haven't had a drank since the night you found me in the hallway crying." he adds, proudly and embarrassed and I smile.

"I was wondering if you still wanted to be friends?" he asks, looking nervous. "Of course." I smile, because I thought he wouldn't want to be friends with me. "Me and my friends Sam and Ashton are watching movies want to join us?" I ask and Liam nods and smiles.

When we get upstairs I introduce everyone. When we cut the movie back on Ashton and Sam watch the movie while lying on my beanbag chair and Liam and I lie in my bed and I fall asleep on his chest.

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