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Beauty's POV

It wasn't a hell of a joke, or something exhilarating. Not witty or funny either to see that Insolent imbecile next to my body, sleeping on the same mattress with me and also sharing the same blanket. Something I've never seen even in my wildest dream. Not to even talk of how I was cuddled in his arms. Oh God of mercy this is so.. Just so.. God!!!.
This thoughts were all after I screamed for the first time and knowing fully that it was him, I opened my mouth to scream again. So that some people will come to my aid.
Upon opening my mouth to shout his masculine, thunderous and ponderous voice beat my ear drum like a resonant sound. Echoing in my ear drum making me to totally lose myself.

"Silence" that was him, I quivered and my body started shivering. What was happening? I asked a question I,myself cannot answer. I became apprehensive all of a sudden, afraid of what he might do to me. Tears formed in my eyes but I gulped them back. I don't want him to see my weakness. My head wad already bowed down and my heart was racing deliberating on whether to have an attack or not. Definitely a panic attack.

"What the heck are you doing in my room? " he asked scornfully and I gasped. Afraid to get beaten up by him because of how his voice sounded. The tone of his voice was telling me 'do something and you will get the beating of your life'
I was afraid but masked up my fear and apply a new face, a face I don't know where it came from.

"This is the number of room I saw as mine, maybe you are mistaken. You are not supposed to be my ro ..roo.. room.. mate" I said trying hard not to stutter but failed woefully at the end in a throaty voice because of the look he was sending at my way. It was a look that screams how dare you.

"It is you who is not supposed to be here" he said in a slightly low voice or taut.

" But how comes they joined us in the same room" I asked finding all the fear vanished into thin air"

" Well you can go and ask them" He said, this time around his voice was calm but was also daring.
I stood up and head for the door not afraid at all although it was past midnight. With my hand on the door knob I turned around to look at him and he was looking my way

"Where do you think you are going to? " he asked sounding like a jerk or a fuckwit. Minutes ago he told me to go and asked them and now he is asking me where I am going to. I ignored his question and pressed the door knob.

" I said where the hell are you going to? " he asked again sounding irritated.

" Am going to ask the person in charge and if I didn't get the chance to do that then I will go and squat with my friends " I said as if that was the simplest thing to do

" Are you mad? Do you know the time kuwa? He asked looking at his wristwatch which was on the drawer.

"It's past 1:30 am. You may go and please don't disturb me"
He said and that was when I realised what I was about to do. I quickly pushed the door back. Wanting to see how the night looked like I went and peeped through the window. I wanted to see if it looks scary but no, it didn't all though we are in the middle of a forest. Raising up my head to look at the sky, it was a sweet embrace if starry black, a fresh chance to dream anew. A new sensation of calmness hugged me as I look at the sky and stare deeper into it. The true companion of every night. The outside wasn't dreadful or terrifying but greeny. The greeny shrubs and trees glows in the night, reflected by the companion of the night.

"Mtswwww "I heard him hissed maybe annoyed at how I was smiling all alone to the sky.
I don't want him to ruin the mood I was in thanks to the sky, so I turned and land my big eye balls on him.

" Please let me sleep on the couch while you sleep on the bed "I said pointing at the couch behind me with much sincerity although I wasn't sure if he will do so. Not knowing that was enough to ruin my mood.

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