Locked 🔐💔

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Hundreds of conversations told in loud voices all of them competing with the rock music that dominates the atmosphere,bartenders moving with rolled up sleeves from one end of the counter to the other

Tonight,we hit the dance floor..

The tables and booths were crowded with people laughing with friends,hitting on strangers,dancing to the rhythm of the music and some starring into their drinks. The mirror behind the bar reflecting red and blue neon signs giving the club a whole colorful look.

I sighed

Why is it so crowded tonight?

Nevertheless we walked to the bar lined up with drinks,colonize the booth and order a round of neat spirit and that's how we get the night started.

"Damn it.. it's too noisy here we should have went to the VIP" I complained and they nodded their head as well

"But we are not leaving cos I've already sighted some hot cakes over there" Sam said acting all bawdy to which I just hissed

Voices of people talking and arguing over sports and complaining about their girlfriends,the clinking sounds of ice in highball drinks as it's being stirred,bar stools being dragged and moved and the squeaking of door hinges opening and closing is making the whole surrounding extra noisy and uncomfortable.
Some bunch of stripped girls walked over to us and one of them was staring deep into my eyes. I didn't break the eye contact as I rested my elbow on the bar .
"Hi" they said in unison and the guys ignored them
I laughed,my guys never go to a girl first no matter how attractive she is and now they are playing hard to get.

They never disappoint..

"You look extra handsome when you laugh" one of the girls said leaning closer to me
I smirked before glaring at her
She didn't go away rather she placed her hands on my shoulder. I immediately yanked away the hand form my body before twisting it and she started yelping in pain. I didn't let her go until she was crying blue and black and her wrist became red, I pushed her away and she fell with a loud thud due to the heel she was wearing
I wonder were she gets the courage to even approach me,any girl that attempts to come close to me walk away after just a glare.
Why on earth will I be flirting with these disgusting Nigerian girls,well there's no reason for me to do that.
"Let's go"I said in frustration as we moved to the vip lounge in the bar where a very low and cool music is playing and the bartenders attended to us.
While playing games my phone rang and I peered into the screen.
I picked it up immediately

"Wa'alaikumus salaam First Luv" I answered her salaam.

"Handsome I've been trying Beauty's phone but its switched off, it's been three days already fah haba . So now go and give your phone to her,I want to talk to her" she said sounding so pissed off

"She already slept cos she was so tired from school" I lied
She must have forgotten that they are on holiday, for her to believe my lie.

"Oh ohkay don't wake her up then ,but are you sure she's ohkay?"

"Yes she is,her phone is faulty that's why but I will have you guys talk tomorrow Insha Allah"

"Haba Handsome how can her phone be faulty for three days ,why haven't you gotten her a new phone already and bana hanaka playing music at nigh bah eh" she asked ,she must have heared the low music playing

"Haba First luv I'm just having a me and myself time and don't worry I will get her a new phone Insha Allah"
"Take good care of her kaji"

"What of me,who will take good care of me?" I pouted and she laughed

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