Mine isn't?

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"Khair! That's not in,I didn't send him away"
I said dragging her hand back into the room.

"You told him in Fulbe because you think I still don't understand the language. That's very wrong of you,I ain't a small girl. I could see why you did that. Ukhtee why can't you forgive me for what I did? Why did you claim to forgive me when you never did such. Ukhtee why? Why did you changed so much,I thought everything is now in the past but now you don't even love me anymore. How many weeks have passed without you calling to check up on your little sister,you never called and you never pick up my calls. What did I do to deserve this,I've changed ukhtee. I promised I won't ever do that again,even if it means my death. Why? Ukhtee why will you ruin our relationship just because of a guy?" She ended falling to the ground.
As she tumbled to the ground, a resounding thud echoed through the room, and tears of anguish streamed from her eyes.

Overwhelmed by a surge of guilt, I realized how terribly wrong I had been. How could I treat my own sister this way? Yes, she had made a mistake, but she genuinely regretted it and had offered a sincere apology. I should have forgiven her, let bygones be bygones.

I should have been more forgiving and understanding. Instead, I withdrew from her, neglecting to call or check up on her. It was as though I had erased her existence from my mind. I had forgotten the sacrifices she had made, the lengths she had gone to. I needed to place myself in her shoes, to empathize with her perspective. She loved my fiancé, but out of respect for my relationship, she tried to suppress her feelings. I witnessed how she struggled, nearly losing herself in the process. It was time for me to mend our bond and appreciate the love she had shown me.

"Ukhtee , I'm truly sorry, deeply sorry. I promise to change. I'll let go of my hostility. We can go back to how we were, filled with love and affection. Nothing will ever come between us again, insha Allah. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I am genuinely sorry,"

I choked back tears as I lifted her from the floor. Waves of guilt crashed over me as I imagined our father's hypothetical disappointment in how I'd treated my own beloved sister. If Abbie was alive would he have liked how I treated my very own beloved sister.
She was the one I had cherished so much, sacrificing my own happiness during our childhood. How could I have allowed myself to forget the depth of my feelings for her,because of a guy? Someone who I'm not even sure is ready to live his whole life with me,someone I'm not even sure will turn his back at me in the near future,someone whose feelings I'm not even sure of! How could I?

Her tears mixed with mine as we held onto each other, both of us realizing the importance of rekindling the bond that had been strained by my thoughtless behavior. It was as if the weight of our shared memories and the unwavering love we once held for each other washed over us, renewing the connection we had started to lose.

In the days that followed, I worked earnestly to fulfill my promise. I actively let go of the hostility that had festered, and I found myself sharing laughter and stories with my sister once more. We took small steps each day, rebuilding what we had lost. Our conversations deepened, reminding us of the unbreakable foundation of family that had always been there.

Time began to heal the wounds, and the rift that had threatened to divide us started to close. We realized that forgiveness was the first step, and from there, our determination to nurture our sibling bond only grew stronger. As we walked together down memory lane, the pain of the past seemed to fade, replaced by the warmth of the present and the promise of a brighter future.

And so, surrounded by the love and forgiveness we had rekindled, we moved forward, vowing to never let anything come between us again. Our Abbie's memory became a guiding light, reminding us of the importance of our bond and the lessons we had learned. And with each passing day, our relationship flourished, stronger than ever before, a testament to the power of forgiveness and the unbreakable ties of family.

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