Splitting us apart😓

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I glanced at the mirror one last time before looking at First luv

"Uwata tafi ta kowa(my mother is the best of all mothers)" I said hugging her by her arm.

"The award of the most beautiful,exquisite lady in the whole of Abuja goes to my daughter" she smiled and I playfully tapped her shoulders

"That's a great honor" I said bowing dramatically
Earlier before the makeup artist and fashion designer left First luv brought this two set of beautiful Diamond jewelries and had me chose one of them.
I hesitated before choosing the one that has caught my attention more. I loved the necklace more as it was so intricate,simple and astonishing.

When we were both ready,I dragged First luv to my ring light which has my phone attached to it. I stopped the video my phone has been taking and went live on Instagram.
In less than a minute I had over 10,000 viewers, I kept holding onto First luv as I replied to their amazing comments that makes me blush. Most of them commenting on how beautiful we all looked and how they loved my bubbly aura. Some saying they love how I bond with my mother,First luv couldn't stop smiling as I hyped her in front of the camera.
She ended up running away from the camera leaving me behind.

"Gotta go guys,I love you all" I said blowing sn imaginary kiss from my palms flaunting my beauty before ending it.
I sighed,I like this feeling.I like how my social media followers likes me so much. I blog and can also be called a model,yea I'm the type that always takes amazing photos that always trend on Instagram non-stop.
I like flaunting and slaying in amazing dresses and outfits..well In one sentence I'm that girl that likes the likes of fashion and modern blogging.

I ambled towards the stairs..I had heels on my legs but I just found myself walking down the stairs like I'm walking down the aisle.
My head held high,my set of emerald orbs got locked in his hazel ones. I looked down immediately,walking further into the parlor.
Whilst he didn't move an each, although I wasn't looking his side I'm quite sure he's ogling at me. I looked at him and he seemed off, like he's out of this world gone to Jupiter but he's deep gaze was on me.
I hissed loudly bringing him out of his trance,back to planet earth. He tried to walk away but his knees went weak,
Not minding his existence I walked over to the lounge, took some selfies and posted them on my story after sending some to Oumree . When I was back to the parlor I saw First Luv trooping out with some of her friends attired in luxurious outfits.

"You are coming with Handsome please" she stated begging me with her eyes
I pouted stomping my feet on the floor as her friends laughed at me

"Momy's girl " they teased me. Turning my face into a scowl I folded my hands over my chest and sat down on a one sitter with a thud

"I will be waiting for you guys,come soon okay?" She asked smiling and I just nodded
Tears started streaming down my eyes,I just hate being associated with him.
I know I'm a cry cry baby but I can't help it.
At the thought of my makeup getting smudged I quickly gulped back the tears that are yet to come down.
I went over to the huge golden corridor mirror before taking some tissue from a tissue box. I dabbed my face with it slowly in an attempt to not smear the makeup artist's effort.
If she were to see me right now,I bet she won't feel happy.
In few minutes my face looked like I haven't cried at all and that was when Handsome decided to show up.I looked at him once and never looked again through out the ride. We were accompanied by four cars ,two before us and the other two behind us.

The party was really bashful and I really enjoyed it, through out the event I had been glued to Oumree clinging unto him each second. I like the feeling of being with him,he always gives me this sense of happiness and comfortability.

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