I love her!

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She left me in a condition so hard to understand.
What has she done to me?
I really want her and I never knew I did want her until minutes ago. She will never give herself to me,that I'm sure of.
What should I do?
Should I force it upon her?
Hell no I can't!
I need someone to talk to so I immediately dialed Sam's number. My hands were shaking as I put the phone to my ear after he picked it. I told him what just happened and all I was waiting for was his point of view. But he was killing me with suspense.
Seconds later,he sighed before starting to talk.

"First of all don't you dare force her cause you know what the outcome's going to be. If she kept quiet for all the things you did to her in the past she ain't going to keep mum for this. Just take your pills and sleep" he said

"Dude I don't have any left" I complained urging him to bring another idea.

"Then suit yourself with lemon" he said and that's not an option to me.

"Where can I get it right now?" I asked him completely  stratified. I was totally out of ideas.

"Ask one of the maids to bring it to you. You guys probably have it at the kitchen"

"But they will suspect me and you know how wary I am. Any hint, no matter how slight it is I don't want it."

"Go by yourself then. As simple as that"

"Dude I don't wanna meet any of the maids,anything can happen fh"

"Ah'ah enough abeg then just stay in your room"

"An idle nan is a devil's workshop. Beauty will be in danger as far as my mind is functioning well."

"Mtsww,then go perform ablution and read the qur'an. I would have asked you to do that in the first place to save myself all these" he said before ending the call.
I placed my legs on the floor before standing up,I have full assurance that this is going to work. So I got the holy book before folding my legs.
My heart beat which was beating so fast started to beat normally and I was calming down. All bawdy thoughts were getting out of my mind and I felt peace overwhelming me.

I read a lot that night,and I stopped only when I felt that I'm peaceful and my mind is pure. I prayed my supplications and that night I slept peacefully which was quite unexpected.

The next day,I woke up the same as everyday stretching my legs off my bed and unto the floor. My arms raised up. Upon waking up my brain displays the last scenes of the previous night. All I was able to do was brush off the thoughts cause they did nothing but made me wrought up. It was my fault that it all happened and now I'm sure she's going to disrespect me more.I will just act like it never happened and with that thought I ambled to the lavatory.

I performed wudou before walking to the mosque like always.I came back after prayer,made my way to Dad's apartment to greet both him and First luv.
After that I went back to my apartment.

I took my bath before getting dressed. The sun was already up. The sun poured through my drapes. Another day had dawned.
They are times that I feel that I must have been so blessed to live for days over and over again. Yes I'm blessed we all are blessed to be living for more days.
At first they are the dreams,then the sense of welcoming a new day,then the anticipation of  what ever comes.

I went down through the lifter and walked to the dining table.

"My First luv" I said giving her a hug

"How was your night Bestest?"  She asked whilst my attention was on Beauty who was glaring scornfully at me.

"It was as peaceful as ever thanks to someone" I said sending deadly glares her way too.
First luv quickly pushed me out of her body her whole demeanor altering.

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