It hurts💔

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"Take care" the only two words he said to me before I took off. Just two words that comforted my heart surprisingly. I even scolded my heart afterwards for thinking that he at-least cared knowing that he don't and will never do.
The private jet landed at NCAT and my chauffeur took me from there to school. As he parked the car in front of the hostel,many students were moving here and there most of which are carrying their luggages.
It was the beginning of another semester,my last semester at ABU Zaria.
I was actually supposed to be at the apartment First Luv payed for me but I prefer mingling with people living moderate life. So I can see the kind of life they live and that's why I'm here.
Time to time I stay at the apartment especially when First Luv is visiting.
I've played my card really well,she never knew for once that I stay at the hostel and I'm not looking forward to that day. Like for real she's going to deal with me,just like she let me study in the school, I agreed to stay in a luxury apartment. I hate showcasing how rich my parents are,not only Daddy my Abbie is hella rich as well. Not even my classmates know that I'm Zeed's sister even though not biological. All over Nigeria Daddy is the only one who has the right to be called my Dad same as First Luv. Him being the most richest business tycoon in the whole of Nigeria did nothing to my lifestyle.
School life went on as always,it's our last semester. And non of us want to spill over, so our books have become our topmost priority.

Days become weeks and weeks became months,I was three to four months away from home.
So this day as we were walking towards the refectory chit chatting joyously Ashfaa started talking about A topic I hate to talk about.

"Beauty Anya Yazid Ba sonki yake bah?" She said and I glared at her before hissing.

"Yes! Whether you believe it or not that guy loves you,if not there's no way he will go that far to see you are no longer acquainted with Kamal" Amish stated and I just bellowed. They will never know as much as I do so I see no point in explaining it to them. They should go ahead and believe what ever they just want to believe.

"Guys I didn't tell you how it ended yesterday about my call with Kamal" I said changing the topic as we sat down on the chairs around a table.

"Abeg tell us I dunno why I even forgot to ask you" Ashnaa stated

"Kamal is such a woe for thinking I would marry him after all that happened. I told him,I ain't gonna marry him and he was so heartbroken or maybe he pretended to be. Cause I'm even having second thoughts,did that guy ever loved me? I really doubt so" I said my tone as plain as ever. It doesn't hurt anymore when I talk about him,it feels as if I was talking about my chauffeur.

"Kai Babe Allah Kamal really loved you. I'm a witness to the kind of love you guys shared just that you guys were not meant for each other"

"Hu'um" I lowered my lips not believing any word she has said.
As we were eating,my phone pinged and when I looked over it was a message from Kamal.

"He messaged me"


"The devil himself" I said and before I knew it my phone was jumping from one hand to the other all of them trying to be the first to read it. At the end Amish was the one who succeeded.

"Mtsww" she hissed tossing the phone away.
They took turns reading the message making me more curious with each seconds until it was finally on my palms

I'm very ashamed of myself as I'm writing to you today,so ashamed and so sad of the way I've hurt you. Sorry,sorry my love,sorry for this horrible deed. I dunno what took hold of me,how could I have done this to you,the woman of my life,the one who brings me all the happiness in the world. I was stupid I have no excuse,I can't even process it that,that's how much I don't understand it,don't remember it and hate myself for it. You are the only one in the world who counts for me,nothing else is important in my eyes..

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