Who's she? Hoor!

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The ride wasn't silent at all,I kept on shouting and asking him where he's taking me to. All he did was just ignore me as if I was talking to a stone.

He horned in front of a house,a medium house and the gateman soon opened the gate.
By this time I was already sulking,I hope he's not going to put me to any danger.

Just hope he isn't selling you to a cult group who will drink your blood since he hates you

My subconscious mind said but I was quick to brush off the thought,he would never do such to me.

Handsome drove into the compound and parked under the parking shade.

"Oh Allah see me through" I said and I felt his hand on top of mine.
I jerked away but he quickly held it so tight before interlacing our fingers.
I had no other option but to follow him into the house.
Flowers were cycling the house blowing fervently from one direction to the other.
The breeze was so cool that it send chills down my body.
I sighted a little boy playing football across the compound and he quickly came running at Handsome.

"Daddy" the boy yelled out.
I wasn't sure who he was referring as his daddy that I had to look behind us and there was no one.
The moment the boy hugged Handsome,I knew it was Handsome he was calling that.

"Daddy?" I questioned..I repeated after the boy trying to access what's happening around me. Rather I kept mum..

I kept my frustration in check,I have to see where this is going to take me to.

"I missed you Daddy"
"I missed you too son,so much"
And by that time I was hugging my hands against my chest feeling all sort of pain rising inside me.
Pain of which I don't know it's source..

I felt a flash of irritation.

"Daddy who is that?, she looks like your Beauty" the boy ranted off
And I was like
What da he'll Imma seeing?

"Yea she is, she's Beauty,my Beauty" he replied the kid with.
My brain couldn't process any possibility anymore..I was fazed

"Where's your Mommy?" Handsome asked him and the cute boy placed his hand under his chin

God! So I even noticed the boy was cute despite the situation.. Beauty that's not good!

"She's somewhere..oh she's in the kitchen" he said jovially .

"Ohkay let's go get her then" Handsome said carrying the boy to his body.

"She said she's preparing something delicious for you" the boy giggled

"So she was the one who ruined my surprise package for you. Mommy will have to pay for this,that's why you didn't look so happy right?" Handsome joked.
I was in awe at how he interacts with the boy,the sight is beautiful but very horrible to my eyes.

"No! I just saw her very happy and I asked her why. And then she broke the ice" the kid said dramatically .

If I wasn't in this though situation I would have laughed at how he acted but nah,that's not gonna be me

"Now let's go surprise Mommy" he said walking further with the kid on his body forgetting about my whole existence.

"But Daddy what of her"

"He has forgotten,that he brought me to this freaking place out of my will" I said grinding my teeth,rage throbbed in me like a heartbeat.

"Nope,I just need to catch up with my son" he said and I quickly gave him that daring look that screams your son?
And hell,he dared to nod his head in affirmation.
I froze

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