Ripped apart💔

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I stood beside the huge window in my room looking at the stars who are keeping the sky company. I decided there isn't any room for negativity. The right thing at this very right moment is just to enjoy the look above me and not ponder on my problems.
By now I've realized that my problems..they are just never ending. Or even if they will end,beyond any shadow of doubt it's not going to be any time soon.

So with a smile I stared at the dark sky which only the stars and moon were brightening.
I wish they could bright my own life as well.

As the twinkling stars danced across the velvety canvas of the night, I found solace in their graceful performance, as if they were celestial ballet dancers pirouetting in perfect harmony.
Each radiant speck of light seemed like a distant dream, an ethereal reminder that even in the vastness of the cosmos, my worries were but fleeting shadows.

In that moment, I understood the poetry of the universe. Each star, like a metaphor, held a secret meaning, and the vastness of space reflected the boundless possibilities that life had to offer. As I gazed at the stars, I realized that my problems were just tiny fragments in the grand scheme of existence, insignificant in the face of the cosmos' magnificence.

The night, adorned with its stellar jewels, whispered a gentle reminder: life is a symphony of highs and lows, and just like the stars, we must shine through the darkness to truly appreciate the light. And so, I stood there, not as a captive of my problems, but as an admirer of the celestial wonders, embracing the beauty of the moment and finding peace in the embrace of the cosmos.

A voice came from behind me and I turned.

"Mr Zeed said you should get ready for you are leaving in the next 10 mins"

Well I wasn't baffled for I was expecting such,sure I'll be going back to his house. That I know of already and I've made up my mind to face whatever it is to come.

"Ohkay" I said  and she nodded before leaving.
I looked at the stars once more,darting my eyes from one star to the other. Hoping that at that moment I'll find that brightest star,Sirius.
And then I spotted it,a smile of triumph appeared on my face.
I'm that star.
I will brighten those around me.
And I'll be unique.
I'll endure the loneliness come what may.

I reluctantly pulled the blind, obscuring the enchanting view of the celestial wonders in the night sky. It was as if I had brought an abrupt end to a captivating symphony, leaving me with a bittersweet sense of closure.

Yet, I knew deep down that this fleeting moment of stargazing had served its purpose. It had reminded me of the profound beauty that exists beyond the confines of my everyday worries and concerns. As the blind descended, I carried with me a newfound sense of peace and a determination to face my problems with a refreshed perspective.

The room now bathed in dim lamplight, I turned away from the window, but the stars' brilliance continued to linger in my mind. Their distant glow illuminated something within me—a spark of resilience and hope. I realized that the stars' eternal presence was a reminder that life's challenges were transient, and even in the darkest of times, there would always be a glimmer of light to guide me through.

I walked away from the window with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

Armed with the memory of the starlit night, I felt better equipped to confront my problems, knowing that amidst the vastness of the universe, I was capable of finding my own path and creating my own constellation of triumphs.

As I settled into the plush surroundings of my room, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that I had experienced a moment of celestial magic that would stay with me forever. And with a heart full of gratitude, I was determined to cherish not only the luxurious comforts that surrounded me but also the intangible wonders that the universe graciously shared with those willing to look up and find solace in the stars.

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