Broken Bonds: The Painful Unraveling.

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Five hours later

She couldn't shout nor could she move. All her effort was drained. She lay there in silence, paralyzed by fear, unable to muster even a whisper. All her strength had deserted her, leaving her in a state of helpless vulnerability.

"Beauty don't leave me please"

Overcome with guilt and concern, shouted out his plea for her to stay with him. He poured a bucket of water over her lifeless form, praying for a response. Her eyes fluttered open, and she took a deep, shuddering breath. Relief washed over him as he realized she was still alive, but the pain in her eyes told him that the damage had been done.

Her fear was overwhelming, and as she glimpsed him before her, it was as if all the strength drained from her body once more. She couldn't bear to face him, and the terror that had taken root in her heart pushed her into unconsciousness once more. This time, it was a mix of physical and emotional pain that had her slipping away from the harsh reality before her.
He poured another bucket on her once again and she breathed but this time around he didn't let her see him as he immediately crouched by the bed. Silent sobs escape her mouth and for some minutes it was silent. He looked up and she was asleep. Silently Handsome moved to her,pecking her forehead he felt tears rolling down his cheeks.
How could he hurt the woman he love?
So this is how it feels to be with your lawful wife? He could swear he never felt satisfied his whole life until today. He got more than he deserved in fact he never deserved it.

Tears welled up in Handsome's eyes as he watched her struggle, both physically and emotionally. The sight of her, broken and in pain, was a painful reminder of the terrible actions he had committed. He had hurt the woman he loved, and the weight of that realization bore down on him like a crushing burden.

As he heard her sobbing, he couldn't help but think about the verse from the Qur'an

وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا ۖ إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا

"Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way."
"How could I forget what this verses teaches,how could I forget  the prohibition of engaging in any form of illicit sexual relations, It is not only a grave sin but also something to be avoided entirely. How did I let Shaitan succeed on me?"

The verse echoed in his mind, a stark reminder of the gravity of his actions and the distance he had strayed from what was right.

With tears streaming down his face, Handsome rushed to the lav to cleanse himself, both physically and spiritually. He prayed fervently, seeking forgiveness from Allah, asking for a way to make amends for the unforgivable.

Meanwhile, Beauty woke up to the excruciating pain coursing through her body, a relentless reminder of the horrors of the previous night. She couldn't comprehend the cruelty she had endured at the hands of her own husband. It was a torment beyond imagination.

When she finally mustered the strength to look under the duvet, the sight of herself drenched in blood left her in disbelief. She was shattered, her trust violated, and her love tarnished by this heinous act. What cruelty could surpass such a violation?

As Handsome approached her with genuine remorse in his eyes, Beauty recoiled in fear, clutching a bedside lamp as a makeshift weapon. She couldn't bear the thought of him coming near her again.

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