He ruined me😭

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I opened my eyes and in the dark stillness I couldn't see much but the the dim glow of the bed side clock and the vague shadow of the lamp next to it.
Half asleep,I fumbled with the covers and the whole room doesn't seem like mine. Trying to stumble out of the bed an obstacle stopped me from doing so.
I touched around my waist and all I felt where muscled arms holding me so tightly.
It was then that it dawned on me,I slept in his room.
"Let go" I said in fury but he just hugged me more placing my head on his neck crook

"Handsome" I called and he immediately let go of me without saying a single word.

"Don't forget about our deal" he said and I just nodded

I immediately walked out of the room and stumbled to the bathroom in my apartment . And soon the adhan started calling for prayer.
After emptying my bladder and flushing the toilet,I checked my reflection in the mirror. The haunted eyes and the dark circles underneath made the long,drawn-in face almost unrecognizable. I waved my hand and the person waved back
Good,I sighed

I'm still me

A dozen needles danced my way across my head all in the name of headache,I searched through the first aid before taking some pain relievers .
I sat on the cabinet beside the washing machine deliberating in my mind

Should I do as he said?
No why should I?
But if I don't, he might go ahead and do as he wants.

Maybe,my leaving is for the best

For I can't stay here and watch as my image is been tarnished


I was first to arrive in the dining area so I sat anxiously waiting for her to come and do as I said.

"Who is this?" Dad asked playfully patting my head and I laughed

"Yau kaine da wuri haka Handsome,that's suprising" he said once again

"Hmm abeg help me see" First Luv said coming out of the kitchen.
I just chuckled still looking around but she's still not here
"Mtsww" I hissed mentally and they all looked at me
"What was that" Dad asked
"What was what?" I asked back
"Why did you hiss Handsome" First luv asked
I immediately smacked my forehead

"I'm sorry I was just thinking of something,I didn't even know I hissed loudly" I replied and then I saw her coming all in her glory
She was a girl who was always bright and bubbly,her smile alone would brighten up the room.
Yet today,I couldn't see any smile on her face.
Through out our dinner ,her smiles ceased to happen,or if they did,they look so dead. They wasn't any shine on her face when she smiled at First luv. It was like a plastic doll,eyes in a daze,distant. It was as if she was somewhere else. Her head,perhaps? Or maybe a whole different world.
First luv will have to repeat her statement before she hears her. I'm sure not only me noticed the change in her aura.
I felt my chest tighten
What have I done to this innocent girl?
But she was the cause of everything,had she never step her legs in this mansion all of this would have never happened.
We would have been friends...maybe

"Do quick and tell her or else.." I quickly sent her a message
Her phone beebed and she peered into the screen

"No phones on the dining Beauty" Fist luv warned and she quickly kept the phone but I was sure she saw my message. And I'm sure she's going to do as I say

"First luv I want to go back home" she dropped the bomb
And like an electric shock ,first luv quickly looked at her with her questioning and perplexed eyes.

"Me kika ceh?" she asked her hoping she could say a different thing probably. Her eyes glistening with hope

"I want to stop leaving here" she replied foundling with her fingers almost breaking down. Her eyes lids were full with tears but she didn't let them flow
Fist luv quickly left her seat and went over to Beauty's.

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