Beauty? You again?

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Guess what? A double update yah'all🥰


The tension in the room was palpable as I lay on my bed, my tears having ceased their flow, leaving behind an ache in my heart. The question echoed in my mind: why did he choose to hurt me like this? Would the tears ever stop, would he ever cease his punishments?
So I deserve to live a sad life my whole  life.
Has happiness promised never to embrace my Life.
Oh poor me!
It felt like my life had become a relentless cycle of pain, and just when I'd dared to hope for an end to the sadness, he shattered it once more.

We had regressed to square zero, back to the time when I hated and despised him,when I had struggled to find any trace of affection for him. If he could utter such hurtful words about my family, he didn't deserve my love. We had never truly loved each other since our marriage, but did it have to be like this? Did my life deserve this constant sadness?

The mirror before me reflected a face marked by sorrow, the imprinted shape of his hand a painful reminder of the emotional wounds he had inflicted. The redness on my cheeks paled in comparison to the turmoil that raged within my chest. As Handsome emerged from the bathroom, the remnants of our argument still hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what had started as a joyful day.

I walked to the bathroom in silence, ignoring the remorseful look he wore. Washing my face repeatedly, I sought to cleanse away not only the tears but also the stain of the hurtful words exchanged. Gazing at my reflection once more, I uttered a quiet "Alhamdulillah ya rabb" seeking solace in my faith.

After my bath, I donned my nightwear and sat before the mirror, preparing to apply balm to soothe my stinging cheeks. The pain was sharp, but it couldn't compare to the turmoil within. He approached, reaching for the balm, and I couldn't bear it. I stood up, my voice steady but filled with a resolve he had rarely seen.

"Handsome, get out of my sight," I asserted, my tone unwavering. "Let me make this clear, this house you are in..its my kingdom, and I'm the most powerful here,not you.
So just mind your business and leave me alone. If any member of my family learns of this abuse, you won't live till the next day. Youssef alone could handle you, let alone my formidable uncles and aunts. And if Jaddu were to find out, consider her smile gone. Don't you dare speak to me again, mind your business tonight if you want to avoid a very unpleasant message reaching Firstluv."

Without another word, he took the balm and left the room, leaving me alone in the aftermath of our tumultuous argument. I clung to my resolve, allowing the weight of my family's protection to shield me from further harm.

The night was long, marked by an uneasy stillness. My heart ached as I lay there, contemplating the complex web of emotions that had woven our lives together. I hoped for a brighter dawn, but the darkness of the night seemed to mirror the turmoil within me.

With my eyes wide open, I watched as the twilight gradually painted the room in soft hues. Not a single second had I managed to close my eyes throughout the night. The hours had slipped by in a haze of thoughts and emotions, leaving me in a state of restless wakefulness.

As the first rays of morning began to filter through the window, I rose from the mat where I had prayed. The night had been a long one, spent wrestling with the turmoil of my heart. It seemed as though the weight of our argument lingered in the air, refusing to dissipate with the coming of a new day.

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