He's back..😔

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I made my salaam before trudging inner,I could see a silhouette of a woman but she didn't answer my salaam.
So I walked further into the massive parlor,and there on the couch was a beautiful damsel dressed scantily.

She was cladded in a crop top that was barely closing her stomach and her steps was straining against the top,her matronly broad hips and the fleshy succulent body,all put together made her overpoweringly s**y.

Her figure was sensational,I was literally drooling at the sight in front of me. She was on a call with someone who seems to be her lover because of how I saw her blushing.
I became annoyed,who is she? And who is she talking to?
So without any second thought I yanked the phone away from her hand before ending the call.
She turned furiously and was about to yell at me but stopped and started checking me out.

I frowned my face as I looked at her

"If you are done checking me out then take this and capture as many pictures as you want" I said proceeding to give her phone back to her.
She blushed so hard from embarrassment and in few seconds her face turn into a scowl

"How dare you enter my crib and even get the guts to seize my phone from me when I'm having the most important call of my life. You should better get out of our house dan banga tsaranka a gidan nn bah" She said taking her phone from my hands rolling her eye balls.
I just watched her in astonishment tilting my head.

"What do you mean by your house?" I asked her cause I can't really process who she is
Maybe some random cousin who came to pay First luv a visit

"So you even get the guts to talk back at me. Dallah Malam ka barmana gida since you can't say who you are here to meet"
She ranted off,wait let's say I'm a visitor,she didn't even ask me who I'm here to meet but see, look at what's she's saying,this gurl is quite unbelievable..

"Allah ni ka ftan mana a gida or else I'm gonna call my brother and he will deal with you" she said protruding her lips.

I sighed who is this girl for goodness sake?

"Call the brother,who is he?"

"Oh you are asking about my brother,for your own convenience you better leave cause if he gave you one slap no hospital in the whole of Abuja will admit you" she said fluttering her long lashes against the subtle skin beneath them. This gurl is such a character wallah

I looked at her in despair and just then we were both distracted by First luv who was laughing so heartily.

"First luv why are you allowing mannerless,gormless and disrespectful girls bringing filth into our generous home,just look at her dressing" I said pointing at the gurl disgustfully.


I opened my mouth obviously to lay insults at him when he called me mannerless and gormless but just when I was about to talk I remembered what I was wearing.

I felt so embarrassed,luckily I sighted my hijab next to me and I quickly grabbed it before putting it over my body.
I turned and looked at them,First luv who has just stopped laughing was clearing her throat and the sound was so eww

"So you guys didn't recognize each other,haba Handsome how comes you couldn't recognize your one and only sister..Beauty" both of us froze before she was even done talking.
I felt my head spinning,this can't be happening..this guy just can't be Handsome

"No way this can't be true,what are you here for? First luv you didn't tell me he was coming back" I said terribly crying,their presence was suffocating so I rushed up to the stairs tripping as I climb up the flight of stairs. My hand was on my mouth as I was trying to muffle my cries.

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