Heal me!

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He barged into the room as if he was thrown inside.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked giving him a quizzical look.

"We have to talk" He said throwing a hijab at me. I quickly looked over my body where a lacy bomb-short and a skimpy top was slightly covering.
I got the hint and I quickly slid into it. I was glad he respected my privacy this once.

"At this time of the night?" I asked sounding unbelievable,it was already 11 pm.


"Let's talk later in the morning please Handsome it's too late." I said trying my best to coax him.

"Are you psych? How could you think of marrying Kamal after how he treated you.
?" He asked as if it was any of his business. I just hate how he always interferes in my own matters these days.

"What's your problem with that Handsome. I hate you been this possessive over me.I don't belong to you Handsome. I belong to me" I said my teeth grazing against one another.

"You can't marry him and it's final" he said daring me to talk any further and i did. I'm afraid of him no more!

"Why-why can't I marry him?" I seethed anger thrumming against my nerves.

"Because he's already married and happy" He replied hoping to see me look shattered probably but I hid the pain so well..I planned it all. I vowed to never let Handsome marry her since I caught him talking to her that day about their marriage. I was never going to let it happen,just like I told him.

" I already know about that"I said defiantly although I didn't. I just learnt of it now.

"And you are willing to be his second wife?" He asked.

"You can't fucking marry him" he said as I kept trying to hide the pain. Kamal is married..to someone and not me..it was heart wrenching and quite unbelievable.

"I must and I dare you to stop that from happening" I said raising my eyebrow in a taunting manor knowing that my behavior would trigger his dominating nature in an instance. Not In a million years would I ever get married to Kam. It was all pure bluffing.

"Beauty!" He called my name in a warning tone,but I wasn't shaken at all.

The harshness in his tone was enough to make me flinch as I realized that he wasn't going to play nice to me. He stepped forward and I immediately started going back only for my back to hit the wall trapping me instantly with no choice but to wait for everything that may befall on me. It was the end road and they was no other way. Suddenly he gripped my jaw,dipping his nails into my subtle skin. I was certain that would leave a bruise,as I waited for more to come I felt his hand grazing on my bare thigh making all the hairs in my back rise,goosebumps appearing on the surface. It was shocking and I was glad he immediately walked out of the room.
I went to the door and Locked it afterwards before coming back.

I thought I had healed,I thought Kamal didn't matter to me anymore. But at the mention of him married I knew he had bruised my heart,a bruise which was never going to heal. The experience of losing someone I had loved was so painful. If I could still feel him inside me then all the mental and emotional exercise to rebuild myself was for nothing. But even in those moments of letting time do it's things,I felt the pang that seeped through from deep down. I held a seedling of a grudge and it was watered and sowed by embarrassment,bitterness and anxiety until it had grown so big,a feeling of ego took over. I didn't know what that feeling was and why it didn't just go away despite all the trying and the efforts.
I always thought I was over him.
But right now,at the thought of another woman cocooned in his arms I'm sure I was never over him.

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