His darkest secrets💀

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"Aunt Saf is coming to stay with you"  First luv said smiling and my smile dropped. Cause  for some seconds I hoped we are going to be left alone.
Aunt Saf is my father's sister and my mother's cousin. She lives in the US with her family and what's she going to do here? Isn't it too early for her to come to the wedding.
Argh wharreva!

"Oh Aunt Saf,I haven't seen her in quite a while " Beauty said her face adorned beautifully with a smile.

Arghh! why do I always notice her smile now a days ?
What's happening to me?

"She's arriving today with only Kalthum Kauthar is writing exams" First luv went further to say.
Kauthar and kalthum are her twins,the only girls she have.

"Rihlatun sa'eeda then( safe journey)". Beauty said jovially.
I've seen how tensed she was when Firstluv mentioned their leaving.

First luv and Hajiya Umma left leaving us behind.

Later Aunt Saf arrived and we were so happy to see her,but then she didn't come along with Kalthum as well. We chatted and gisted for a while.

Later that day we all sat around the dining table as the maids and cooks set out dinner.

"Are you guys shy? Cause I don't see you talking to each other. Is it my presence that's making you that way" Aunt Saf said and I touched my occiput, Beauty was bowing her her head down and at the same time fidgeting.
She feigns everything and that's what added to me hating her more.

"So what's your best color?" Aunt Saf asked probably trying to engage us in a conversation

"Sea blue" I replied

"What of you my dear?" She turned to look at her

"Sky blue" she replied timidly

"Wow so both of you like blue"

"Yes" we said in unison.
Like I really hate it when we say same things at the same time.
Aunt Saf kept on engaging us into a conversation until it was time for all of us to retire to our beds.

It's been four days since Firstluv left with Umma,we have breakfast together,I go to work come back have dinner and then sleep. The routine has been like that for all the four days.
Anyone in Aunt Saf's position will definitely suspect something and I don't want our plan to fail.


Since that day we haven't talked to each other for more than 10 seconds. If he isn't wise enough to think that Aunt Saf might suspect us then I am and I'll do the needful. I  Just have to talk to him.
Never in my life have I ever seen something like this,this is a love marriage which we claim it to be but then no couples in love ignore each other. Couples in love don't refuse to talk to each other or even look and gaze at each other.
That's exactly what we are doing, and I'm sure Aunt Saf is just watching us keenly and will tell First luv everything immediately they got back.

Not that I'm worried about how he treats me,it's just that we need to go on dates,spend time with each other. Talk about our marriage stuff but then the reverse is the case.

I grabbed my phone and it took my Face ID immediately, I went to my contacts and typed
Grumpy Gus,his contact appeared and I dialed it. I called but he didn't pick up so I decided to send him a text message.

"Assalamu alaikum. You know what Handsome,you are a total twaddle,you.  You can't even pretend to be a good guy.
Is it that you don't love First luv anymore that you are trying to throw her into the same pot hole she crawled out of? You should get your acts dude as far as you don't want this marriage to be called of. You be always acting as if I'm not there well that's cool! I'll be ready in the next one hour and you are taking me out,final!"
I typed and texted him.

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