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I quickly pushed her out of my body,for I don't what her to keep thinking what she's thinking for she will surely degrade and take me for granted.
She rolled her eyes at me dusting up imaginary dust  from her dress.

"What were you going to do?" She asked looking all disgusted

"Nothing,what do you think I was going to do?"I said in a taunting manor.

She rolled her eyes at me one more time before walking to the door

"Malam,you should better come and open this door"   She said holding unto the door knob. I ignored her and alighted from the bed,shoved my phone into my pocket.

"I'm talking to you" she said pouting and stomping her feet on the floor.
Still ignoring her I walked to the door,without looking her side I pushed the door and it swung open.
It was unlocked all the while.
She hissed and came passing by me like some sort of storm furiously. Her face was all red from anger and she looked so cute. I couldn't help but chuckle and then I followed her from behind to the dining hall.

There at the dinning almost everyone was seated and only few were moving from one place to the other.
Beauty was all cradled in First luv's arm as she was busy acting like a small child.

"First luv you forgot about my whole existence koh" she whined

"Nope my dear I've been looking for you"

The whole conversation was so cringy to my ears so I couldn't help but sit far away from them.

After dinner we all settled in the large setting chatting joyously with relatives. The elders were together in a separate parlor whilst us the young ones were all together.
Beauty was busy chatting nonstop with her bunch of new friends about Korean male actors. I hate how they all are swooning over the guys who don't even know of their existence. They were chattering so loudly and it was disturbing so I stood up went to her. While she was busy talking I placed my hand on her mouth and clasped her lips together.

"Some silence pls" I said and a buzz of laughter filled the room. Her face looked like that of a rabbit who's caught in the act of stealing carrots. And it was so funny,I myself was muffling down my laughter. She pushed my hand out of her face before pouting.

"Not fair,you scared me" she said and I sat there,right next to her.

"Go away go to your friends and we aren't going to keep quite" she stated pushing me while I didn't even budge a little.

"Gist with me then" I said folding my hands. The other girls smiled whispering to each other things I don't know,they surely like my staying with them.

"Iman let him be" A girl who I know to he Shatuu said smiling. She has been stealing glances my way,I dunno whats wrong with the girl or maybe she just find me Handsome.

"They were busy talking about ugly Korean actors" Jauro chirped in and I nodded in agreement.

"They aren't ugly,our oppas are down to earth Handsome more than you all here" Beauty said pointing at us. I held her finger which was now pointing at me.

"Gurl that's a lie,they can't be as Handsome as I, your brother right here" I said and she glared at me ready to let out an outburst and within a second she let a smile curl on her lips. Probably remembering where we are and the people with us.
I smirked raising one of my eye brows.


He smirked at me and I swear I almost caught myself growling in annoyance at the gesture,it was a cocky smirk. I hate the cocky ones..

A twist  of  hatred Where stories live. Discover now