Happiest day💓

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I smiled mischievously and clasped my hands getting his attention. He looked at me as if I grew two heads.
Memories came running to my mind of which I all smiled at. Back at school..fact is I was such a naughty girl. I used to piss up people back in Dubai using the language they don't understand. I'll insult and insult them without them knowing what I'm actually saying. Speaking Hausa was never a big deal to me,apart from mom and Dad not even Khairy can speak as good as I do.

There was a day,I was out at the gym then one fat and chubby guy came over. He was always disturbing me so this day when he came over,I had made up my mind to deal with him. I looked around and there was no one who could understand Hausa at that moment around.
Taking my hands down to my waist,I turned my face into a grimace.

"Kai dan uwarka jibeka,ka kwaso wasu kafafuwa kaman na giwa. Tikitiki da katon ciki uwa asusun boka. Da ass kaman tukunyan gidan biki" I laughed and I never missed how he cocked his brows.

"Pardon..ma afham ayyi shay'in( I don't understand anything)" he said and I had to hold unto my gut because I was laughing so hard.

"Dan me sharan kanin me garin ku me za ka ganeh,look at yourself" I said muffling my laughter and he immediately looked down at himself.

I chuckled..

"Wnn Kai kwal goma kenan" I said gazing at his three sided occiput stopping to laugh

"To bara ka Jini daga yau kar in kara ganin kafan hippopotamus dinn sun tako inda nake. Mafhum? (Understand?)"

"Laa" he was quick to answer. The bewildered look on his face was such a sight to behold. That day I laughed and laughed,even back at home..amidst dinner I just burst out laughing and even during classes. That guy went around telling people I was possessed..so hilarious.

I burst out laughing and Handsome shot a stern glare at me.

"Hey" I called him out taking any sense of lark away from my face

"Whats up?" He asked after many seconds past by. I was annoyed but I shrugged it off,no way I'm gonna do something that'll stop me from having so much fun.

"What's up din bhaitak,shiftak ghabi( look at you fool) ya gazma(bottom of the shoe) abu reyha(father of stinky smell) ibn Al sharmota( son of a bitch). Ayreh feek(screw you!) ya Allah alataqul shukran( won't you say thank you?

"Hey what nonsense are you blabbing about?" He asked and I immediately started doing what I'm best at..laughing.

He looked at me menacingly but I didn't budge a bit. When I was getting out of breath I stopped and then look at him with a smile plastered on my pale face.

"Asif sharmota (sorry bitch)" and the next thing that filled the car was another set of intermittent laughter.

"Usse ya alkhi,Ana ma am ta'amil haaz li'izeek( sorry my brother I'm not doing this to hurt you)


I finally made her agree to it,not that I'm gonna let her go if she didn't. Firstluv asked me to escort her,it was such a bad idea. I frowned but when I remembered the situation I had to smile.
I'm sure Beauty has lost it,because who in their normal selves does what's she's doing right now. Laughing so hysterically and saying stuffs I don't even understand. Like is it that I didn't give it a second thought that I thought she was speaking a language that didn't even exist..

"You fool are u freaking mad? I asked gripping her arm. Now she seems like someone who is possessed,my heart thumped..that can't be true.
I just hoped my foreboding won't turn out to be true. Any normal person who sees her will think that she's either mad or she's possessed by jinns. The way she's blabbing and laughing was starting to scare the living soul outta me.

A twist  of  hatred Where stories live. Discover now