Sinking in regret;💔

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Assalamu alaikum.
My people how are you all doing.
Kunjini shiru ko😫 I was admitted but Alhamdulillah I'm feeling much better now. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the chapter😇


The road to Sam's place felt like a surreal blur as I navigated through the haze of my thoughts. My mind was a chaotic storm, and I desperately needed someone to confide in, someone who could help me hold onto my dwindling sanity. With each turn I took, my anxiety seemed to deepen, like a noose tightening around my heart.

As I finally reached Sam's doorstep, I couldn't help but notice the concern etched on his face. He immediately began dialing the numbers of our close friends, informing them of my deteriorating condition.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir raji'un," Kam exclaimed when he heard the news, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"What's happening, man?"Saleem asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Ynx ya ake ciki?"

"I know she's going to ask me to divorce Beauty, which I honestly can't do. Right now, she's threatening to leave me. I really don't know what to do anymore," I confessed, my words trembling with the weight of my emotions.

"Ya Allah, I'm really scared," Saleem interjected, his voice quivering with fear. "If it were my mom, I'm sure she'd have a heart attack instantly. She recently had an attack because of what Sadiya did. Imagine if she found out about the things I used to do. Guys, I'm spiraling out of control, insha Allah."

His words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, leaving us all stunned. We had never expected Saleem to renounce his old habits so readily. As we looked at him with disbelief, Dam began to speak, his voice tinged with remorse.

"If our parents disown us, Wallahi, we'll be plunged into darkness. We'll never see any light in our lives again if that happens."

I pleaded for guidance, my voice breaking under the weight of my own regrets. "Please, you guys have to tell me what to do now. My mind is all clogged up, and I can't find a way out of this mess."

"You should give them both some space," Sam suggested, his words carrying a sense of resignation.

The room fell silent as we each grappled with our own demons, our hearts heavy with the consequences of our actions. It was a moment of collective regret, a stark realization of the pain we had caused not only to ourselves but also to those who loved us. We couldn't help but wonder if it was too late to seek redemption, to mend the fractured relationships that had been damaged by our choices. In that shared moment of introspection and sorrow, the road ahead seemed uncertain, and the burden of our past weighed heavily upon us all.

My phone began to ring, and I eagerly checked the caller ID, only to see Zeedan's name boldly displayed.

"Guys, she's calling!" I shouted with a glint of hope and glee, quickly putting the call on hands-free.

"First love is in the hospital," she said, her voice choked with tears, and I felt my whole world shattering under my fingertips. It was as if a cold hand had gripped my heart, squeezing the life out of it. I felt on the brink of leaving this world, swallowed by a sea of guilt and despair. Sam quickly took my phone from my trembling hands as the others tried to hold me in control. I couldn't believe that I had sent the woman I loved most to the hospital. She was there because of me, because of my actions.

Why was all of this happening to me? It felt like a relentless storm, a punishment that I had brought upon myself. But I knew deep down that I deserved it, that no one should pity my condition. Compared to all the horrible things I had done, this was nothing. So, no one should pity me.
Don't pity me! Or else that would be unfair to Beauty.
I didn't know how or when, but suddenly, we found ourselves in front of the city hospital. Outside a room, my wife sat, her eyes swollen from crying. Inside, the doctors were attending to First love.

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