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He stepped out of his room,taking tentative steps,his presence demanding for attention.
So it's now he decided to grace us with his presence.
When he arrived before us he removed the phone by his ear. Giving me a look that says You again?
Well I don't regret it and I'm going to keep doing that.

"We'll be going around New York today"

I stated, partly because he's my husband and deserves to know my plans. Plus, seeking his permission is a formality.

"Zeed, come have your breakfast," Oud suggested, gesturing towards an empty dining chair. But he didn't spare us a second glance, simply acting as if he hadn't heard us as he walked away. I shrugged nonchalantly, got up, and headed to my room. Whether he had breakfast or not wasn't my concern; it's his stomach, not mine.

"Oud, let me change," I told him as I headed towards my room.

"You're still going ahead? He didn't give you the green light," he remarked.

"Well, he's here for business, and I won't let that stop me from enjoying my time. Whether he grants permission or not is his problem. I'm going out," I replied, pausing to turn and answer him.

"But you know it's not right," Oud pointed out.

"Shhh, don't worry and don't disturb me," I chuckled dramatically, leaving the room. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans, a tailored red jacket, and a crisp white shirt beneath it.

"Let's go," I told Oud as I stepped out.

"Hey Iman, are you really going out with your hair like this?" he questioned, drawing my attention to my hair that was arranged in separate buns with letter hair clips scattered around.

"Arghhh," I grumbled.

"Yes, go and fix it. Have some modesty," he teased, laughing.

"Okay, I was going to fix it. It just slipped my mind, and you just got a chance too," I admitted, glancing at my Girard-Perregaux wristwatch before hurrying back to my room. I untied the messy buns, securing only the upper part of my hair with a scarf, but still adorning the length with butterfly hair clips. It might not have been the most conventional look, but I enjoyed showing off my beautiful hair.

"Good to go," I declared, a grin on my face, feeling like a little girl again, full of excitement.

"Ah, your hair is still showing," Oud pointed out.

"Um, no," I said, playfully pouting and raising my shoulder slightly, giving me the look of a stubborn child.

"Well, it's better than before," Oud said, taking my hand as we left the pavilion. We made our way to his Audi, parked neatly in the valet area, and climbed into the open-top car.

"Walking through the streets feels like being in a movie set, with famous sights at every turn," Oud remarked, prompting me to suggest getting out of the car to explore.

"Let's do that!" I exclaimed, enthusiasm brimming.

"You'll get tired. Let's stick with the car," Oud suggested, but I wasn't having it.

"No, I want to take the subway, taxis, public transport. It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait!" I insisted, prepared for a lively adventure.

"Alright, but don't ask me to carry you if you get worn out," Oud added with a chuckle.


As we strolled through the bustling streets of New York City, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. The city was alive with energy, the architecture towering above us, and the people from all walks of life contributing to the vibrant tapestry that was New York. Oud and I shared playful banter as we explored the iconic landmarks. He cracked jokes, and I retorted with witty comebacks, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that filled the air with laughter.

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