Completed puzzle❣️

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As we alighted from the plane, two cars from the family house we all call villa was sent to carry us. The large house was decorated with mud and they were lots of modern infrastructure in the house. This was my first time coming here as an adult,I was told we used to come over a lot when I was young.

Bamako,their origin. Not mine.was such a beautiful city. I love how a single glance at it,one will know that they held so much of culture. Even after civilization has came through their buildings always has a trace of culture. When we went into the house we were greeted with lots of relatives most of which were speaking a strange language. I looked over to first luv giving her a quizzical look. Handsome didn't look confused at all,he even seemed to be understanding them well.

"Two decades ago our family started inter marriage with the Tuaregs. And they speak Tamashek that's why,most of the youths are speaking the language which you couldn't understand." First luv answered my unasked question to which I nodded.
We had lots of fun as relatives came scooping in to greet us,we were entertained really well. And I fell in love with the people here immediately,I made many friends in an instance both of which are male and female.
Some of which are Shatuu,Altnie,Kaabo and many more.

Handsome must have probably knew most of them because he wasted no time in making any friends. The guys seemed to know him already and I hated how he glared at me each time I chatted away with one of the guys. I hate this new profound possessive nature of his,the dominating personality didn't captivate me at all.

"Jauro is here" Peto one of my cousin sister yelled running into the room. A buzz of excitement filled up the room and I was curious who this Jauro was. The sound of his footsteps brought me back out of my trance,he was taking slow strides into the room and I guess he was the Jauro they were referring to.

So he's a prince
Down to earth Handsome and charming..
I thought.

"Ah Jabbama Jabbama" he stated hugging with Handsome before sitting next to First Luv. She engulfed him in her arms,I guess she was so happy to see him

"No mbadda Jauro? Mi wayri yiide ma( how are you prince,long time no see)

"Jam Jam Alhamdulillah" He stated playing with Peto's hair as she was cradled next to him.

I hate how he was looking at me this intently, when the greeting session was over I heard him talking to First luv

"Who is this Baddo(Beautiful one)?" He asked her

"She's your sister,ko biddo an nii( she's my child)" she answered him and he raised one of his eyebrows.

"I thought Yazid has no neenegooto(full sibling)

"She's Halima's daughter,she has been with me for the past 6 to 7 yrs"she told him and he immediately looked over at my side and then my face.

"My sister,I'm your new brother don't you want me to be your friend,you've been making friends why I'm I an exception" he whined like a little boy that I couldn't help but laugh.

Within minutes we had warmed up to each other. Jauro is a very good guy,jovial and high spirited. We chatted a lot and he even took me to explore around the city with many of my cousins tailing behind. I ignored the look Handsome was giving me when we were going out,cause I really don't give a damn.

Ardo who is Daddy's elder brother has traveled and Jauro was in charge,we went from one place to another. And I won't mind if I was to live in Bamako forever.

As we were seated in a local diner, I brought out my phone snapping pictures with my cousins. We took many pictures with them especially with Jauro and I instantly uploaded them to my status and stories.
I refreshed my feed and the post that popped up first was heart wrecking. I swiped through the recent post Kamal just made on Instagram and I felt sadness seeping through me. Beautiful snaps of him,his wife hugged to his side and their little boy,the pictures were very beautiful. I can't deny that..

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