His camera📸

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It started as a moment of bliss,her body against mine. But then she quickly jerked off and I looked at her with questionable eyes.

"I need to go to the toilet" she said and I immediately let her off for at that moment I never doubted her.
But my eyes looked as if a child is taken away from his mother,maybe she noticed that under the dim light. Because I felt her palm on my cheeks.

"Don't worry I'll be back in just a minute" she said and like a toddler I nodded just hoping she could do quick and come back.
As I keep waiting,one part of me keeps telling me that she ran away.
"She'll come back soon" I keep saying to the rage rising in me.
But when the wait was getting longer I just had to admit that she actually ran away from me. And she was the one who gave me the go ahead

Fury coursed through my veins as I stood there, struggling to comprehend how she could so callously abandon me in this situation. The very person who had given me the green light to move forward, had now left me hanging in the balance. I never forced it on her!

The anger boiled up within me like a relentless storm, darkening my thoughts and clouding my judgment. How could she just walk away from the commitment we had made? The echoes of her promises resonated in my mind, a bitter reminder of the trust I had placed in her.

As my frustration reached its peak, I found myself replaying the scenes leading up to her abrupt escape . The disbelief lingered as I realized that she had masterfully orchestrated her escape, feigning a simple need to use the bathroom and then hiding in there.
The realization that she had intentionally deceived me struck a nerve, intensifying my anger to an overwhelming level.

With clenched fists and a heart weighed down by disappointment and rage, I paced back and forth, struggling to quell the torrent of emotions surging within me. The echoes of her lies reverberated like a haunting refrain, fueling the fire of my anger.

How dare she toy with my feelings, manipulate the situation, and leave me stranded in this emotional maelstrom? The question echoed in my mind, the intensity of my fury leaving no room for rationality. Every ounce of my being was consumed by the injustice of her actions.

As I stood there, grappling with the overwhelming anger that threatened to consume me, I knew that what is meant to happen had happens.
I walked to the bathroom,my hand In a fist,
Knocks after knocks but she never responded to one.

"Beauty" I called and called but she also payed no heed to it.

"You'll come out and meet me,you ain't staying there till eternity" I bawled out before ambling out of the room.
Resting my hand on the railings, mixed emotions flow into my mind.
I wanted her but not anymore,I rather die than have her.


I was ashamed of my body for wanting him,for giving him that go ahead,for responding to every touch of his. I was ashamed,I hated myself for that.
How could I put my cravings ahead of my dignity,do I think he's going to respect me after he has gotten all that he wanted from me. All he's going to do is treat me even more worse like some disgusting filth unworthy of his respect.
He was two steps ahead of me but now I'm three steps ahead of him.
Definitely not me,the one he's going to have fun with and so I did what I did and hid in the bathroom.
His furious knocks,his shout were all scaring me but I dare not give in.

"You'll come out and meet me,you ain't staying there till eternity" was the last thing he said before I heard his footsteps leaving.

I heaved out a pent out breath,subconsciously placing my hands on my chest.

"Phew! Sure,that was quite close"

And there on the bathroom bare floor I slept and soon enough it was morning already.
I took my bath,performed ablution and another problem is how I can go out in this short towel I'm wearing. And I'm afraid of how he's going to react despite what I did to him yesterday night.
Having no other option,I opened the lock and stepped out of the bathroom only for me to be pinned to the wall almost immediately.

A twist  of  hatred Where stories live. Discover now