My prince charming 🥹💓

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I came back home very late and it was already time for dinner,just like I expected they were all waiting for me sitting at the parlor,their eyes glued to tue plasma set . I gave First luv a hug greeting them as I do so.
She scrunched up her nose In a funny way

"You stink!" She exclaimed and they all laughed at me.
I grimaced
"I don't stink First Luv" I fought back peeking at Beauty who was not even looking my side,rather she was pretending to be engrossed to that series.
Unm what's its name mah..oh yeah Dadin kowa it is. It's a really funny series especially that guy from the village Sallau. It pisses me up that he's always wretched,well now they don't even use to show him in the series at all. I wonder why..
You must be wondering where I used to watch it right? despite coming back to Nigeria just yesterday.

Well,Sam was the first fan of that drama,he just watched a single episode from God knows where and forced us into watching it as well. He was always saying that it's enjoyable,hilarious and so on and so forth. We also liked it after watching that episode and we started to watch any new episode.

"Take a shower and come back,I have a surprise for you" I heard her saying when I was almost out of their sight. I nodded my head and walked further.

I took a quick shower and sauntered down the stairs,sometimes lifters are boring and lonely.
You just stay there all alone and get lost in your own thoughts with nothing to keep you company but taking the stairs isn't lonely at all. Your footsteps,your movement,all in all keeps you busy.

I met them,already settled at the dining and I did same. We commenced our dinner almost immediately with the intent to chat later after we are done .

"Do you know who cleaned your apartment?"  First luv asked amidst dinner and I shrugged nonchalantly. She,who made it a rule that no one should talk while eating is now doing the deed herself.

"Unexpectedly,it was Beauty" and I instantly lost my appetite when she said so. Never expected it to turn out this way..
I raised up my head and looked at Beauty,coincidentally our eyes met. She quickly averted her gaze from me and then back to her food

"Really?" my subconscious self asked me

Not a bit, was I  happy to hear that she was the one who did it.
I instantly masked my real emotion and smiled broadly.

"That's good news,First luv you are really a good teacher" I said smiling at them,my first family. She's also family but for the mean time.

"About what you said earlier"  First luv said but it sounded more like a question to me

"It's final!" I said  gazing lowly at Beauty who was pouting. I learned that I was staring for too long when she glared at me. I chuckled and kept on eating, we chatted for a short while after finishing our dinner and later called it a night.
I was too knackered, it was such a busy day. I had to wrap everything around my head at the company,it was so stressful but the stress will be worth it Insha Allah.
Back in my room,the next second my occiput touched the pillow,I couldn't understand anything around me anymore.

Many days went by,office works have been going on so smoothly. Beauty also had been doing her new job,fortunately we never meet when she's doing so. The days were very busy for both I and Dad,and so we hardly spent lots of time at home.
So today I woke up very late due to the paper works I did yesterday which is why I didn't sleep early.
As I was yawning saying my du'a I heard Beauty hissing. I raised one of my eye brows and then it occurred to me that she's here to do her morning routine. I didn't say a word as I walked to the washroom.

"Even the prayer someone will not do it on time " she said and I heard her so I took a step backward

"What did you just say?" I asked her

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