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So sorry once again..so here's a chapter for you guys 🌚🖤


"What did you just say?..Wallah you must be freaking mad" I said cause I..I can't believe what he just said. Like is he insane!

"Uhm uhm you know I just escaped from the psychiatric,that's how mad I am. And what I said is final,there's no going back " he ended and I was just looking at him speechless.
Who is he?
Who the hell did he think he's..
To make decisions in my life
My very own personal life

I knew it, his good acts were never going to stay for a long while,his real character had to suffice one day. And here is it,the real Handsome I've always known him to be.

"I hate you and so I can't marry you,not in a million years" I seethed

"Oh do you think I love you..hell no.." he stopped to laugh sarcastically

"I'm going to marry you not because I fucking want it okay? Get that stick into your tiny head Sheila"

"Allah I'm serious, I ain't going to be Mrs Yazid for any freakin reason" I said gritting my teeth,I was trying so hard to hold my anger in control. Because why burst out when we are in a hospital and First Luv is still a patient.

"Ohkay is that's what you said? Then we shall see" he said his voice laced with anger.

"Why on earth will you bring this marriage stuff all of a sudden,just to make my life hell right? Damn you are so selfish Handsome! "

"I'm not selfish never will I be over this topic. I'm only going to marry you...we are only going to do this marriage because of First Luv" he gritted and I was fazed

First luv? Why?

"This has been her dream" he said breaking the suspending silence.

"Don't you dare play with me Handsome,if you know you are being mendacious you better spit it out"

"Why on earth will I lie to you? Do you think I wanna marry you because I'm into you? Yuck!" He spitted.

So this is the man who had been taking care of me for the past weeks,so the old he would actually come back.

It was a facade!
I knew it!
And that's why I never fall for his acts

"You were there when the doctor said we need to make her happy for her to recover as fast as possible. And I'm sure this is going to make her very happy"

For a second I thought of slapping the hell out of him but I brushed away the thought of doing so. Did he think he's doing me a favor..and do I look disgusting for his liking...
I know I was been silent for long and he's gonna think he has this dominating aura against me. Like he's so powerful,but I was just trying to hold it in.

"And this is the least thing we can do to make her happy"

"Are you sure it's going to work out?" I asked nervously cause I have already started thinking of doing it. Tears were already forming a pond on my gown,this thing that I'm getting myself into..is no good story.

"Do you even have to be sure..Beauty you are so unbelievable. We are doing this for First Luv. Well I now understood that you never genuinely care for her all the while"

"How could you say such..that's a hell of a blatant lie" I said amidst tears clutching my hand unto his tee.
How could he thought of me that way,the world knows how much I love and care for First Luv more than my own mother.

"If you love her then why can't you sacrifice your happiness for her. Why can't you do this to make her happy"

"I'm going to prove to you how much she means to me..that's a promise Handsome" I said strongly wiping away my tears. Saying this I just walked out on him and just before I could go back in he grabbed my arm tightly making me to wince.

A twist  of  hatred Where stories live. Discover now