Author Annocment Plz plz plz read.

409 14 14

I'm gonna be honest... this boon has over 50k reads and I can't be more excited! When I first started weighting I was nervous and honestly had no reason to believe in myself and if it wasn't for my friend I never would've written in the first place.

And I know I've written a few other books and one of them have gotten this popular and I guess I've never had time to say. So this is so long overdue.

Thank you all so much

Thank you for reading my book, thank you for the awesome comments and helping me when I make the mistakes I do when I write. Just thank you for everything.

And for a little bit I lost inspiration to write and to continue any of the books I started but then I went through and read the comments of people loving the story and helping me. You all are the reason I write.

Anyways I love y'all! Thank you so much for helping me feel good about my writing!

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