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Y/n pov


I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door I was still in my pjs a sports bra and shorts. I heard another knock and I got up out of bed and opened the door.

"Yes King?" I asked still partly asleep.

"I finished the..." he blushed up a bright red. "Sh-Shirt.." he looked down fast and handed me the shirt floating away rather quickly.

I yawned closing the door I knew why he was blushing but back in the real world I used to walk around in this all the time so didn't care. I changed into my normal everyday outfit and found Meliodas he looked at me expectingly I knew he was waiting for me to explain.

    "My name is Y/n the swan sin of death." I looked at him as he sighed "I don't feel like sharing how I got my sin hope you understand." 

    "Y/N, change into your uniform and wear the neck piece that came with it this time. It should hide the broken button." He spoke.

    I walked back to my room but stopped by King and Bans room knocking on the door king answered. "Thanks for fixing the button King." I smiled at him closed eyed.

   "Your welcome Y/n." I heard the door close and opened them again.

    I walked to my room and changed into my uniform then went back out into the boar Hat to give people their food and drink when a certain brother of mine walked into the Tavern. I panicked almost dropping the drink In my hand and walked over to Meliodas quickly.

   "He's one of the people looking for me!" Meliodas smiled at my comment.

   "Well you gotta keep working just let Elizabeth handle him." I sighed at this idiot.

    I was helping the person next to Gilthunders table when he tapped my shoulder. "Yes sir can I help you?" I smiled closed eyed.

   I felt arms wrap around my figure making me drop the drink in my hand "what are you doing here Y/n?"

    I coughed "S-sir I think you have the wrong person..." I tried to lie.

    "Yeah yeah sure Y/n stop messing around we are going home." I noticed the sins looking at me concerned.

"My sanity Snapped"

   Ban looked very uncomfortable as I was dragged out of the Tavern. I saw the shadow it was lulling me to it once more. I pulled away from gilthunder as the sins ran out of the tavern to find me walking to the woods. It had something in its hands again it handed me my scythe.
   "Do it." Is all it said before disappearing.

   I felt all eyes on me as I walked up to Gilthunder pressing the button and the scythe extended.

   "How dare you draw your weapon to me Y/n! You might be second in command but you still are not allowed to do that!" He yelled at me.

    One of my eyes flashed white and the other black as I raised my scythe and slashed it down to feel a weapon clash with mine. I looked down it was Meliodas, I backed up and charged again we battled for a long time evenly matched until my eyes turned black and white this time staying that way. Meliodas's eyes turned purple and had a weird marking on his face. I started to pull ahead of him and was winning when I knocked him onto the ground I swung my weapon down.

"Revenge counter"

I flew backwards and hit something everything going black.

"Changing me forever."

Kings POV.

I ran over to Meliodas "What Happened!"

He looked at us then to Gilthunder "you better explain yourself." He grabbed Gilthunder and told us to leave him alone.

I watched as the others all left but I went to check on Y/n I got over there she was out cold. I picked her up and put her on Chastiefol and it carried her back to the Boar Hat. I glanced back down at her she was badly hurt and barely breathing. I found Elizabeth and she I instinctively rushed her to Y/n's room I was going to follow but she slammed the door in my face.

~~Time skip brought to you by a lazy me~~

I waited until Elizabeth opened up the door and let me in but before I could Meliodas pushed past me and slammed the door I sighed, it was going to be a long day.

Meliodas POV

I saw King about to walk in and I panicked shoving past him and closing past the door. I looked at the bed good she was awake I pulled a chair over and sat next to her.

"Explain" I demanded

"To what I feared"

She looked at me Dazed "Meliodas..." is all she could manage to say before she broke down in tears. "I'm so sorry!"

"Listen Y/N it's okay but I need to know what happened so we can avoid it next time."

"I lost control kinda like you do with your wrath..." I sighed.

I nodded and left the room I saw king waiting he was about to go in but we both heard crying.

"I'm a demon...a monster, I just want to go back home... to my real home." I looked at king and he looked at me.

"Team meeting!" I called the rest of the sins to me.

"I think I know what this is about.." Ban mumbled.

"Yeah the new girl Y/n right I think I heard her crying the past few nights..." Diane said in her small form.

"Y/n L/n sister of Gilthunder and the swan-" I cut Gowther off.

"Yes this is about Y/n we have to make her feel at home here... so get to work all of you!" I ended the meeting and walked to my room.

I walked past her room listening for something when I didn't hear the even Thur tiniest of sound I figured she was asleep and kept walking.

"A Demon"

A/n;  hey guys I hope you enjoy the book make sure you click the ⭐️ at the bottom and feel free to read my other books!

Love y'all~

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