Part 18

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A/n remember I don't follow storyline  and heya peeps, I'm back!~

I jumped out the window when I heard my someone knock on my door. I stood still under my windowpane when king stuck his head out the window.

"I thought you promised me..." his words felt like daggers in my heart.

He retreated back away from the window and I took my chance to sprint away I knew the Ten Commandments back I had already saw one. I knew where they were going to be heading hopefully, but if they aren't I'm done for.

It didn't take long for my suspension to be confirmed when I saw them.  I snuck up to the place I honestly really thought these people were cool people in the anime but god in real life they are terrifying.

"Brother I think I sense a strong power around us." Zeldris looked around.

" I do to dear brother." Estarossa started looking around too.

They were the only two here in the current moment but they were also the strongest. I was deep in thought about everything that could go wrong as soon as they were to spot me I would probably be killed then they'd eat my soul just like in the anime! At this point I was mentally freaking out as to why I was so stupid to come here. I felt a tap on my shoulder...

"SHOOT!" I fell backwards after losing my balance on the edge.

But something grabbed my hand. "Brother I think we have ourselves a problem here..."  zeldris spoke as he pulled me up.

"Wait your not going to kill me or let me fall to my death, granted I would've caught myself..." I was confused

"Wait isn't that the human girl brother told us to leave only for the fact she wouldn't make a good commandment..?" Estarossa  spike in his calm manner he always has.

"I think your right the poor holy knight who was always mistreated for being a girl and shunned from being that other guys sister, what was the name again..? Y/n l/n?"

I nodded my head honestly too Afraid to say no to these guys "l-listen I understand you want me on your team but I already have one..."

Both men looked at my and I shut me mouth and eyes I was shaking I never felt so much hatred radiating off of someone before. Not even me and that's hard to beat.

"Explain human." Estarossa spoke.

"I I'm part of the seven deadly sins I'm y/n the swan sin of death Meliodas is the captain." I kept my eyes closed the whole time.

Zeldris had yet to let my hand go as he and Estarossa talked probably making sure I don't run "alright you are now the commandment of death. Our secret 11th commandment or else you will die."

I nodded my head in agreement. " your mission is to spy the seven deadly sin and act as if nothing happened until you meet back up with us at midnight. That's an order."

I nodded my head and run off my plan backfired big time on me...  I make it to where I can see the boar hat and the sins training. 'They took my advice.' It honestly made me really happy knowing that

"Guys... do you think y/n will comeback this time? Or did she lie to us?" King sadly spoke

I noticed Bam clear aggravation "Shut up king! She's coming back, she wouldn't lie to us." I wanted to go hug them all and tell them I'm ok but I sat there and watched.

They trained all day and most of the night. I figured since it takes me about a hour to run back I should get going. I took off running when I heard someone chase.

"Get back here stalker I've sensed you all day!"  It was Ban.

I run forwards at a faster pace and I summoned a ball of light from my ying side and shot it at him it hit him dead on stopping him In his tracks allowing me to get away. I made it back to the commandments and they were all there.

"Ah if it isn't our newest member... wait y/n?" I looked at the voice to see the grand master.

"grand master?" I knew it was fraudrin but had to play along.

"It's Fraudrin and it's a pleasure to work with such a brilliant young holy knight." He seemed too happy.

I walked up to him "how long have you been in this body?" He pondered that for a moment.

"For a while before he was a grandmaster." I smiled and punched him right in the jaw using light to add speed and force behind the punch.  "What was that for?!"

I spit on his shoe "for being a bitch to me while training me to become a holy knight just cause i was a girl." If I was right according to Zeldris people treated me badly because of it so why not have a little fun.

I heard the snicker from behind me and I was about to throw a punch at whoever was behind me until I found out who it was. "Good work    Y/n you have no fear do you?" Estarossa spoke.

Zeldris walked up next to him "now tell us everything you saw."

I explained to them how everyone was training very hard did some reasob and that they have already noted my disappearance. Everyone in the group seemed to listen in adding there ideas as I went along.

They told me to keep spying for as long as I could for the next month I did just that until the day I was getting ready to go out when Meliodas showed up and kicked Galin of truths butt, then he saw me.

He looked ticked as he teleport away

King pov

Captain returned from his hello with the commandments "I found y/n.."

Everyone payed very close attention to what he said next and it broke each one of us in a different way.

"She's with them."

King x Reader (The sin of Death)Where stories live. Discover now