Part 11

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After that embarrassing move I had totally blown a fuse refusing to even look king in the eye anytime I would even think of it my face would light up like a fire.

"Y/n... please look at me..." he sounded upset "if you don't I'm gonna make you."

I knew he was joking or at least that's what I thought until he lifted my chin up making me look him in the eyes. He started to lean in closer I closed my eyes but felt a soft pair of lips meet mine and it wasn't long until I melted into the kiss his lips left mine as my eyes fluttered open.

"There now your looking at me." I was shocked this was not the king I saw in all the anime.

"King-" I was cut off

"It Harlequin." I already knew his name but I always called him king I guess I never realized it.

~time skip two weeks~

It was the middle of the night and everything was nice and calm until my tv started to glow again and Meliodas popped out of my screen.

"Hey guys lets go! This portal won't open a fourth time and Merlin won't be able to do it again anyways.

Harlequin was quick to take captains hand but I hesitated. "B-But are you sure there's no way to do it again?"

"Stop being silly y/n it's now or never it's starting to close."

I walked forward "Y/n sweetie everything ok up there?" I froze

'Mom' I thought and stepped back.

Tears threatened to fall as I looked at my boyfriend and captain "I'm sorry I-I can't!"

The portal was closing and right before it did harlequin looked at me "y/n?"

It was the last thing I heard before they were gone. I fell to my knees tears running down my face slowly turned into sobbing as my mom walked into the room.

"Oh my gosh y/n!" She kneeled on the ground next to me pulling me into her embrace as I broke in her arms. "Sweetie what's wrong?"

I kept crying I had to lie now to my mother after all of that "I had a nightmare." I said calming myself down...

;~;Time skip again;~;

It had been a year and a half now and I've been Diagnosed with depression. I haven't smiled nor talked since that night I haven't been able to. I hardly even eat anymore and I was severely underweight. But it didn't matter no one even noticed after I locked myself in my room.

I walked around pacing the small space I Call a room but honestly it was a cell of memories. Pacing back and forth back and forth day after day that's all I did anymore. And I was in the same motion today until I turned on the tv.

'A live episode of seven deadly sins.' I was interested to say the least as I turned it on and the sight shocked me.

Kings pov

All of us where in the bar room. It's been a year and a half since y/n refused to come with us. No one dared speak her name.

"Alright is time to stop doing nothing about it! It's time we started looking for you know who." I looked at captain even he never dares sat her name.

"Merlin start trying to reopen that portal! Diane, Esconor help Merlin with whatever she needs! Ban, king you guys are with me!" I followed captain till we got outside.

"Alright you two knew her the best tell me everything you know."


I sat there confused who's you know who? I didn't understand what they meant at all and it's a her? I started to feel a little jealous when the captain said king knew her best. I wanted nothing more then to snap that girls neck. Unable to bear watching my boyfriend go after some other girl I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Stripping down to nothing I looked at the scars that covered my body. And my sin mark fading slowly I had tried everything to get rid of it even to the point of burning it off but nothing. I sighed and stepped in the shower letting the hot water hit my skin and surround me it felt nice but my peace was disrupted when a crash was heard in my room. I let out a low growl and stepped out of the shower turning it off and changing into some black shorts and a
Black sports bra.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see a person on my floor but I felt others presences at least six. I looked around and noticed the gangs all here.

"Y/n..?" That voice I looked at the man on the floor im and it being no other then harlequin himself. He looked terrified as his gazes met my arms and thighs.

But it was soon replaced when I noticed the blush in all the guys faces but captains as he took a step forward and I shot him a glare.he backed off quick.

"Y/n do you remember us?" It was Merlin who was speaking.

"Of corse she'll remember us she still had our make on her!" Ban yelled

"Guys remember she doesn't live alone." Esconor chimed in trying to calm Ban down.

I sat there staring at king my eyes wide with disbelief.

"I really have lost it haven't I?" My voice sounded foreign to me after not speaking for so long. "I really am going insane." I backed up bumping into my wall.

"Y/n..?" King looked at me halfway scared as I giggled.

"I knew I was crazy but god now I'm hallucinating them being here too!?" I was laughing now sliding down my wall. "Gosh darn it, why does this joke hurt so much!"

I looked up at the fakes in my room "your not even real..." I watched as they all started at me shocked  until they were in a huddle everyone nodding and leaving but the fake king.

He walked towards me lowering himself to my size. He put his hand on my chin and placed a kiss on my lips "I assure you none of this is fake y/n we've opened the portal forever, join me- no us whenever your ready."

He walked to the tv "I'll be waiting."

Then he was gone
A/n;  hey guys I hope you enjoy the book make sure you click the ⭐️ at the bottom and feel free to read my other books!

Love y'all~

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