Part 7

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King looked at me pretty dang confused "her aura?"

I smiled and nodded "yeah her aura she gives off this one of bloodlust when she's around it drives me crazy to be honest..."

I noticed how kings face went into a look of pondering he was definitely thinking up a storm inside that tiny head of his.

"I've never gotten that feeling from her she's always really happy and sweet around me..."

His words confused me was it just me that she was like that around? I pounded the thought for a while. 'But why would it only be me? I need to ask the others' I silently agreed with myself before looking back to king.

"Thanks for the information king I need to go talk to the others." I was waving as I ran inside the boar hat.

I walked inside and found Esconor "hey what do you think of Diane?" He was in his small form.

"O-oh ms. Y/n I think she's wonderfully nice and kind." He sounded so polite right now.

"Thanks!" I ran upstairs to ask the others.

After asking everyone I determined that I'm the only one she doesn't like and it kinda ticked me off a little bit . I went to kings room and knocked on the door "king?"

No one answered so I walked back outside and found him and Diane talking... 'that's why.' She was a devil in a angels outfit. I low growl left my lips.

I walked up to the both of them "hey king~" he looked over at my confused.

Diane looked ticked and I smirked "I need help..." he looked confused at me

"S-sure." King followed me away from Diane. I walked into the woods.

He followed me like a puppy till we got to a crystal clear oasis. He looked at me confused as I attempted to push him into the water but he floated just above it. He looked terrified as I laughed but stopped.

"No fair king stop floating!"  I was giggling as the best ideas came into my head.

"Just try to make me stop."  He sounded over confident

I smirked "alright."

I grabbed hold of him as he floated over to me and jumped into the water getting both of us soaked. We both burst out laughing until I noticed I was straddling his hips then my face burst into a deep blush. His seemed to notice this as his face turned bright red as I jumped off of him.

"S-sorry!!!" I yelled as I stumbled away from him.

"I-it's o-ok." He was a blushing mess.

We walked back to the boar hat in complete silence neither of us spoke a word. When we got back everyone looked at us like we were idiots.

"Y/n change into your uniform you have work tonight."  I nodded my head and went to my room. And started changing out of my soaked outfit and into the tavern uniform.

I walked down the stairs and started to serve people Diane was in her small size helping as well. As I was taking a couple people their drinks she tripped me. I fell forward as the drinks spilled all over me I got up and bowed to the people I was supposed to be serving.

"I'm so sorry! I'll get you two fine gentlemen new ones." I looked up.

I noticed that he drink had spilled on them as well. "Don't worry about it pretty lady we have other ways for you to make it up to us."

We were in the back corner easily out of sight of others "u-Um I'm sorry I think I'll go get your drinks now..."

I was stopped by one of them grabbed my wrist and pulling me back. I was pushed up against the wall out of reflex I stomped on his foot making him let me go.

King pov

I was walking around when I noticed Diane tripped y/n. I went to help her up but she got up quickly one thing led to another and she was pinned against the wall. Captain held me back.

"She's one of us she can deal with it, trust me she's going easy." Captain let me go and we watched as the guy didn't give up while the dude who got his foot stomped walked away.

Y/n looked like she had, had enough as she picked up the other dude and threw him outside the door. She noticed us starting and walked over to us all.

"A little help would've been nice." She seemed annoyed.

"Nah we sons need to know how to handle ourselves, plus you were never once hurt who knows maybe you where a little mean to those two men." She looked at captain ready to kill him.

" yeah I but you would've gone just as easy as I did if Elizabeth was in that position" his face and gaze dropped.

"I would've killed them." She patted his head

"Knew it."

She was daring challenging captain like that she even ruffled his hair. I felt my face go red I had always thought I had liked Diane but y/n she was something else i guess I did like her. I had walked away and outside as a couple hours passed.

I heard the door open and close "hey king? What are you doing all alone out here?" I looked up at y/n.

"Are you okay after what happened? I mean I'm surprised you aren't shaken up." She looked down at me then smiled.

"Nah I'm not to badly shaken up, after all I could kick his butt." She sat down on the pillow next to me.

"Alright next time if you say something one of us could come and help you... plus what if that was some holy knight that could freeze you..? What then keep quiet and let them have their way with you?"

She looked at me upset " no that wasn't my plan... I'm sorry that I worried you... but why do you care so much?"

I looked at her confused before blushing crazily "I was just looking out for another sin."
A/n;  hey guys I hope you enjoy the book make sure you click the ⭐️ at the bottom and feel free to read my other books!

Love y'all~

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