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'Alone in'

I was sitting down in my room watching a favorite anime the seven deadly sins Meliodas and Elizabeth had just found Diane. And they were on their way to find Ban and King. I was excited after all King was my favorite character! I heard my mom yelling my name as the power went out. I got up from my seat on the floor, and the tv flickered on a I tried turning on the lights... nothing. I walked to the tv as I examined it I went to press the power button to try to turn it off but I lost my balance. I went to put my hands on the tv screen but fell straight through head first.


I rubbed my head as I stood up and opened my eyes I wasn't in my home anymore and people frantically where running around me. I dusted my ...armor off it looked like a female version of Gilthunder's and it was F/c (fav color). I noticed the walls and the pattern on my floor I was in the jail holding Ban. Excitedly I ran forward trying to find the cell he was held in it took a second but I soon cam across a Metal door being heavily guarded.

"Holy Knight Y/n! What brings you here?" They both spoke

"Is this the room of the Ban the Fox Sin of greed?" I spoke trying to sound like I belonged.

They nodded their heads and I sighed "Your. dismissed." I told them.

They looked shocked "I'm sure your brother Gilthunder would not like us leaving you alone with him. Even though your powerful enough to handle yourself" my suspicions of being related to him were confirmed but I still needed to help Ban.

I growled "Leave it's an order!" I watched as they ran away both of them.

I opened the door looking at the Fox sin in front of me. "Listen up, I'm getting you out of here."

He looked shocked as I pulled the metal spikes out of him "what's the catch?" He spoke.

"Just make it look like you escaped from me." He nodded and broke the opened door making it look like he escaped.

I ran outside to the wall taking two of the spikes and shoved them through my armor without hitting myself and I stuck to the wall. Eventually someone walked by and I acted like I passed out. I could feel them removing the spikes from my armor while they held me with the other hand. It didn't take long for them to fully free me and carry my away. I was still "knocked out" so my head laid limp on his shoulder I drifted asleep to the familiar sent of the person.


I woke up on a bed I looked around the room it looked like it belonged to a princess. It took me a second to scan it f/c walls and battle gear everywhere. It only took me a second to realize I want alone in my room as I saw a shadow in the corner of my room.

"Are you awake sister?" Gilthunder spoke.

"Yeah.. what happened the last thing I remember... Wait where's ban!" I yelled getting up.

"So my suspicions were right, you engaged the Fox sin of greed and lost?"he sighed "Misfortunate."

"If you just here to bother me brother I suggest you leave" yes my words held venom but I didn't know how the two acted towards each other as I played it safe.

He looked shocked and left closing the door behind him as I got up and walked around opening a door and finding a bathroom. I took a shower enjoying the hot water as it ran down my body. I finished washing up and left the room I found my closet and put on some black leggings and and a F/c long sleeved shirt the showed a bit of my chest. I looked in the mirror on my chest was a marking two swans forming a yin and yang. (Pic above)

It looked like a sin marking so I took a white ribbon and tied it around my neck the the bow ends went down and covered the marking. Walking around the room I found a backpack looking thing and picked it up grabbing a dagger and a coin purse with quiet a bit of money in it. I put on some black army boots over my black leggings and found a F/C ribbon and tied my h/l (hair length) h/c (hair color) hair up in a ponytail. (only if long enough) I looked around again finding a long scythe it was f/c and golden. I made my backpack tight enough to where I put the long handle of the scythe there and it stayed. I saw a journal and grabbed it putting it in my bag maybe I could learn about "myself".

I opened my window and scaled down the side of the castle landing on the ground I started running. I didn't know where I was and I knew I hand to find the Boar hat and try to meet them. The seven deadly sins


Ban's POV

I was confused why would a holy knight help me? It had been a month since it happened but it bugged me everyday since. The others don't know not even king and I tell him everything. I wasn't going to tell them either it was kinda embarrassing that a girl helped me out.

"Ban?" Meliodas asked "you good?"

I looked at him "yeah just... thinking."

"I don't think that's a good thing caption." I heard king as from behind me.

"Why you little punk!" I tried to grab him but missed as he floated away from me.

I growled and walked up to my room laying down on my bed and drifting off to sleep.

'Please help'

My eyes shot open I kept hearing those words over and over in my head I ran down the stairs and looked in the now opened tavern. I looked around until I saw a fimilar H/c girl. I walked over to her grabbed her arm and dragging her out of the tavern before I could leave I heard Meliodas.

"Ban what do you think your doing." I cut him of by closing the door.

"Listen up girl your gonna tell me what you did to me now you holy knight!" I was clearly annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" She looked up then down "wait.. Ban?"

A/n: make sure you check out my other books on my profile. And don't forget to click the ⭐️ below. I hope you all have a great day!

Love ya'll~ Author-Chan

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